React hook for Google Maps Places Autocomplete


This is a React hook of Google Maps Places Autocomplete, which helps you build an UI component with the feature of place autocomplete easily! By leverage the power of Google Maps Places API, you can provide a great UX (user experience) for user interacts with your search bar or form etc. Hope you guys it.



To use use-places-autocomplete, you must use react@16.8.0 or greater which includes hooks.


This package is distributed via npm.

$ yarn add use-places-autocomplete
# or
$ npm install --save use-places-autocomplete

Getting Started

usePlacesAutocomplete is based on the Places Autocomplete (or more specific docs) of Google Maps Place API. If you are unfamiliar with these APIs, we recommend you reviewing them before we start.

Setup APIs

To use this hook, there're two things we need to do:

  1. Enable Google Maps Places API.
  2. Get an API key.

Load the library

Use the script tag to load the library in your project.

<script src=""></script>

We also support asynchronous script loading. By doing so you need to pass the initMap as the callbackName option.

<script async defer

⚠️ If you got a global function not found error. Make sure usePlaceAutocomplete is declared before the script is loaded.

Create the component

Now we can start to build our component. Check the API out to learn more.

import usePlacesAutocomplete, { getGeocode, getLatLng } from 'use-places-autocomplete';
import useOnclickOutside from 'react-cool-onclickoutside';

const PlacesAutocomplete = () => {
  const {
    suggestions: { status, data },
  } = usePlacesAutocomplete({
    requestOptions: { /* Define search scope here */ }
    debounce: 300
  const registerRef = useOnclickOutside(() => {
    // When user clicks outside of the component, we can dismiss
    // the searched suggestions by calling this method

  const handleInput = e => {
    // Update the keyword of the input element

  const handleSelect = ({ description }) => () => {
    // When user selects a place, we can replace the keyword without request data from API
    // by setting the second parameter as "false"
    setValue(description, false);

    // Get latitude and longitude via utility functions
    getGeocode({ address: description })
      .then(results => getLatLng(results[0]))
      .then(({ lat, lng }) => {
        console.log('? Coordinates: ', { lat, lng });
      }).catch(error => {
        console.log('? Error: ', error)

  const renderSuggestions = () => => {
      const {
        structured_formatting: { main_text, secondary_text }
      } = suggestion;

      return (
          <strong>{main_text}</strong> <small>{secondary_text}</small>

  return (
    <div ref={registerRef}>
        placeholder="Where are you going?"
      {/* We can use the "status" to decide whether we should display the dropdown or not */}
      {status === 'OK' && <ul>{renderSuggestions()}</ul>}

Easy right? This is the magic of the usePlacesAutocomplete ✨. I just show you how does it work via the minimal example. However there're more things you can do for an UX rich autocomplete component, like WAI-ARIA compliant and keyword support as my demo (check the code), a keyword clear button, search history etc.

? react-cool-onclickoutside is my other hook library, which can help you handle the interaction of user clicks outside of the component(s).


const return = usePlacesAutocomplete(parameter);

Parameter object (optional)

When use usePlacesAutocomplete you can configure the following options via the parameter.

Key Type (all optional) Default Description
requestOptions object The request options of Google Maps Places API except for input (e.g. bounds, radius etc.).
googleMaps object In case you want to provide your own Google Maps object, pass it in as google.maps.
callbackName string You can provide a callback name to initialize usePlacesAutocomplete after Google script is loaded. It's useful when you load the script asynchronously.
debounce number 200 Number of milliseconds to delay before making a request to Google Maps Places API.

Return object

It's returned with the following properties.

Key Type Default Description
ready boolean false The ready status of usePlacesAutocomplete.
value string '' value for the input element.
suggestions object { loading: false, status: '', data: [] } See suggestions.
setValue function (value, shouldFetchData = true) => {} See setValue.
clearSuggestions function See clearSuggestions.


The search result of Google Maps Places API, which contains the following properties:

  • loading: boolean - indicates the status of a request is pending or has completed. It's useful for displaying a loading indicator for user.
  • status: string - indicates the status of API response, which has these values. It's useful to decide whether we should display the dropdown or not.
  • data: array - an array of suggestion objects each contains all the data.


Set the value of the input element. Use case as below.

import usePlacesAutocomplete from 'use-places-autocomplete';

const PlacesAutocomplete = () => {
  const { value, setValue } = usePlacesAutocomplete();

  const handleInput = e => {
    // Place a "string" to update the value of the input element

  return (
      <input value={value} onChange={handleInput} />
      {/* Render dropdown */}

In addition, the setValue method has an extra parameter, which can be used to disable hitting Google Maps Places API.

import usePlacesAutocomplete from 'use-places-autocomplete';

const PlacesAutocomplete = () => {
  const {
    suggestions: { status, data },
  } = usePlacesAutocomplete();

  const handleSelect = ({ description }) => () => {
    // When user select a place, we can replace the keyword without request data from API
    // by setting the second parameter to "false"
    setValue(description, false);

  const renderSuggestions = () => => (
          {/* Render suggestion text */}

  return (
      <input value={value} onChange={handleInput} />
      {status === 'OK' && <ul>{renderSuggestions()}</ul>}


Calling the method will clear and reset all the properties of the suggestions object to default. It's useful for dismissing the dropdown.

import usePlacesAutocomplete from 'use-places-autocomplete';
import useOnclickOutside from 'react-cool-onclickoutside';

const PlacesAutocomplete = () => {
  const {
    suggestions: { status, data },
  } = usePlacesAutocomplete();
  const registerRef = useOnclickOutside(() => {
    // When user clicks outside of the component, call it to clear and reset the suggestions data

  const renderSuggestions = () => => (
          {/* Render suggestion text */}

  return (
    <div ref={registerRef}>
      <input value={value} onChange={handleInput} />
      {/* After calling the clearSuggestions(), the "status" is reset so the dropdown is hidden */}
      {status === 'OK' && <ul>{renderSuggestions()}</ul>}

Utility Functions

We provide getGeocode and getLatLng utils for you to do geocoding and get geographic coordinates when needed.


It helps you convert address (e.g. "Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan") into geographic coordinates (e.g. latitude 25.033976 and longitude 121.5645389) by Google Maps Geocoding API.

import { getGeocode } from 'use-places-autocomplete';

const parameter = {
  address: 'Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan',
  // or
  placeId: 'ChIJraeA2rarQjQRPBBjyR3RxKw'

  .then(results => {
    console.log('Geocoding results: ', results);
  .catch(error => {
    console.log('Error: ', error);

getGeocode is an asynchronous function with the following API:

  • parameter: object - you must supply one, only one of address or placeId. It'll be passed as Geocoding Requests.
  • results: array - an array of objects each contains all the data.
  • error: string - the error status of API response, which has these values (except for "OK").


It helps you get the lat and lng from the result object of getGeocode.

import { getGeocode, getLatLng } from 'use-places-autocomplete';

const parameter = {
  address: 'Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan'

  .then(results => getLatLng(results[0]))
  .then(latLng => {
    const { lat, lng } = latLng;

    console.log('Coordinates: ', { lat, lng });

getLatLng is an asynchronous function with the following API:

  • parameter: object - the result object of getGeocode.
  • latLng: object - contains the latitude and longitude properties.
