React hook that dynamically types your translations

Welcome to use-translations ?

React hook that format and dynamically types your translations.


npm i use-translations or yarn add use-translations


  • To use useTranslations hook, first you need to wrap component with <TranslationProvider> component. <TranslationProvider> takes 1 property that is formatMessage.
  • Because it is dynamic and supports multiple i18n libraries (react-intl, i18n and others), You have to provide formatting function as prop.
  • Provided translations needs to be as readonly array.

Simple hook example

const translationStrings = [
] as const;

const translations = useTranslations(translationStrings);

translations: {
  errorsToast: 'translation';
  errorsBookingsStatus: 'translation';
  errors.BookingsConfirmation: 'translation';

With react-intl example

import { IntlContext, IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';
import { TranslationProvider, useTranslations } from 'use-translations';

const messages = {
  pl: {
    '': 'Kod pocztowy react-intl',
  en: {
    '': 'Post code react-intl',

export const ReactIntlExample = () => {
  const locale = 'en';

  return (
    <IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={messages[locale]}>
        {({ formatMessage }) => (
          <TranslationProvider formatMessage={id => formatMessage({ id })}>
            <MessageExample />

const MessageExample = () => {
  const testTranslations = [''] as const;
  const translations = useTranslations(testTranslations);

  return <>{translations.formPostCode}</>;

With i18n example

import i18n from 'i18next';
import { initReactI18next, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { TranslationProvider, useTranslations } from 'use-translations';

const messages = {
  pl: {
    '': 'Kod pocztowy i18n',
  en: {
    '': 'Post code 18n',

  resources: {
    pl: {
    en: {
      translation: messages.en,


export const I18nExample = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  return (
    <TranslationProvider formatMessage={id => t(id)}>
      <MessageExample />

const MessageExample = () => {
  const testTranslations = [''] as const;
  const translations = useTranslations(testTranslations);

  return <div>{translations.formPostCode}</div>;

For now it only supports translations separated with .



  • Props

Prop name Description Default value Example values
default Array of translations to create dynamically types [] [‘’, ‘’]
  • Returns

Hook return object of translations in camelCase provided in hook.


  • Props

Prop name Description Default value Example values
formatMessage Function provided by i18n library null (id) => formatMessage({id})


? Sebastian Kłosiński

Thanks to @Jaaneek for guidance.

? Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

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