React hook to fetch metadata from any NFT


useNft() allows to access the metadata of any NFT (EIP 721, EIP 1155 and more) on the Ethereum blockchain.


yarn add use-nft


useNft() uses a concept of “fetchers”, in order to provide different ways to retrieve data from Ethereum. If you use the Ethers in your app, using ethersFetcher() is recommended. Otherwise you can use ethereumFetcher(), which only requires a standard Ethereum provider, like the one provided by MetaMask.

import { getDefaultProvider, Contract } from "ethers"
import { NftProvider, useNft } from "use-nft"

// We are using the "ethers" fetcher here.
const ethersConfig = {
  ethers: { Contract },
  provider: getDefaultProvider("homestead")

// Alternatively, you can use the "ethereum" fetcher. Note
// that we are using window.ethereum here (injected by wallets
// like MetaMask), but any standard Ethereum provider would work.
// const fetcher = ["ethereum", { ethereum }]

// Wrap your app with <NftProvider />.
function App() {
  return (
    <NftProvider fetcher={["ethers", ethersConfig]}>
      <Nft />

// useNft() is now ready to be used in your app. Pass
// the NFT contract and token ID to fetch the metadata.
function Nft() {
  const { loading, error, nft } = useNft(

  // nft.loading is true during load.
  if (loading) return <>Loading…</>

  // nft.error is an Error instance in case of error.
  if (error || !nft) return <>Error.</>

  // You can now display the NFT metadata.
  return (
      <img src={nft.image} alt="" />
      <p>Owner: {nft.owner}</p>
      <p>Metadata URL: {nft.metadataUrl}</p>


useNft(contract, tokenId)

The useNft() hook requires two arguments: the NFT contract address, and its token ID.

The returned value is an object containing information about the loading state:

const result = useNft("0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430", "90473")

// one of "error", "loading" and "done"

// same as status === "loading"

// undefined or Error instance when status === "error"

// call this function to retry in case of error

// nft is undefined when status !== "done"

// name of the NFT (or empty string)

// description of the NFT (or empty string)

// image / media URL of the NFT (or empty string)

// current owner of the NFT (or empty string)

// url of the json containing the NFT's metadata

As TypeScript type:

type NftResult = {
  status: "error" | "loading" | "done"
  loading: boolean
  reload: () => void
  error?: Error
  nft?: {
    description: string
    image: string
    name: string
    owner: string
    metadataUrl?: string

<NftProvider />

NftProvider requires a prop to be passed: fetcher. It can take a declaration for the embedded fetchers, or you can alternatively pass a custom fetcher.


With Ethers.js
<NftProvider fetcher={["ethers", { ethers, provider }]} />
  • ethers is the default import of the Ethers library (note that only { Contract } is needed, so you can pass this instead).
  • provider is a provider from the Ethers library (not to be mistaken with standard Ethereum providers).
With an Ethereum provider
<NftProvider fetcher={["ethereum", { ethereum }]} />

ethereum is a standard Ethereum providers.

Custom fetcher

A fetcher is an object implementing the Fetcher type:

type Fetcher<Config> = {
  config: Config
  fetchNft: (contractAddress: string, tokenId: string) => Promise<NftMetadata>
type NftMetadata = {
  name: string
  description: string
  image: string

See the implementation of the Ethers and Ethereum fetchers for more details.


A function that allows to define the IPFS gateway (defaults to

Default value:

function ipfsUrl(cid, path = "") {
  return `${cid}${path}`


Allows to proxy the image URL. This is useful to optimize (compress / resize) the raw NFT images by passing the URL to a service.

Default value:

function imageProxy(url) {
  return url


Allows to proxy the JSON URL. This is useful to get around the CORS limitations of certain NFT services.

Default value:

function jsonProxy(url) {
  return url


FetchWrapper is a class that allows to use the library with other frontend libraries than React, or with NodeJS. Unlike the useNft() hook, FetchWrapper#fetchNft() does not retry, cache, or do anything else than attempting to fetch the NFT data once.

import { FetchWrapper } from "use-nft"

Pass the fetcher declaration to the FetchWrapper and call the fetchNft function to retreive the NFT data.

// See the documentation for <NftProvider /> fetcher prop
const fetcher = ["ethers", { ethers, provider: ethers.getDefaultProvider() }]

const fetchWrapper = new FetchWrapper(fetcher)

// You can also pass options to the constructor (same as the <NftProvider /> props):
// const fetchWrapper = new FetchWrapper(fetcher, {
//   ipfsUrl: (cid, path) => `…`,
//   imageProxy: (url) => `…`,
//   jsonProxy: (url) => `…`,
// })

const result = await fetchWrapper.fetchNft(

The fetchNft() function returns a promise which resolves to an NftMetadata object.