React hooks for persist state management based

Little State Machine

React hooks for persist state management based.

✨ Features

  • Follow flux application architecture
  • Tiny with 0 dependency and simple (less 1kb)
  • Persist state by default (sessionStorage)
  • Build with React Hooks

? Installation

$ npm install little-state-machine


? StateMachineProvider

This is a Provider Component to wrapper around your entire app in order to create context.

? createStore
createStore(store, {
 name: string; // rename the store
 middleWares?: Function[]; // function to invoke each action
 syncStores?:  // sync with external store in your session/local storage˚
    | Record<string, string[]>
    | { name: string; transform: Function } // name of the external store, and state to sync
    | undefined;

Function to initial the global store, call at app root where StateMachineProvider is.

import yourDetail from './state/yourDetail';

function log(store) {

  yourDetail, // it's an object of your state { firstName: '', lastName: '' }
}, {
  middleWares: [log], // an array of middleWares, which gets run each actions
  syncStores: { // you can sync with external store and transform the data
    name: 'externalStoreName',
    transform: (externalStore, currentStore) => {
      return { ...externalStore, ...currentStore };
? useStateMachine(Action | Actions, Options?) =>

This hook function will return action/actions and state of the app.

import { updateUserNameAction, removeNameAction } from './actions/yourDetails';

const { action, state } = useStateMachine(updateUserNameAction);
const { actions, state } = useStateMachine({

// The following examples are for optional argument
const { action, state } = useStateMachine(updateUserNameAction, {
  debugName: 'updateUserName' // This will be log in the devTool
const { actions, state } = useStateMachine({
}, {
  removeNameAction: 'removeName',
  updateUserNameAction: 'updateUserName',
const { action, state } = useStateMachine(updateUserNameAction, {
  shouldReRenderApp: false // This will prevent App from re-render and only update the store 

⚒ DevTool

Built-in DevTool component to track your state change and action.

 {process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && <DevTool />}

? Example

? app.js

import React from 'react'
import yourDetail from './yourDetail'
import YourComponent from './yourComponent'
import { StateMachineProvider, createStore, DevTool } from 'little-state-machine'

// create your store

export default () => {
  return (
      {process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && <DevTool />}
      <YourComponent />

? yourComponent.js

import React from 'react'
import { updateName } from './action.js'
import { useStateMachine } from 'little-state-machine'

export default function YourComponent() {
  const {
    state: { yourDetail: { name } },
  } = useStateMachine(updateName);

  return <div onClick={() => action('bill')}>{name}</div>

? yourDetail.js

export default {
  name: 'test',

? action.js

export function updateName(state, payload) {
  return {
    yourDetail: {
      name: payload

? Window Object


This will toggle the console output in dev tool.

window.STATE_MACHINE_DEBUG(true) to turn debug on in console

window.STATE_MACHINE_DEBUG(false) to turn off debug on in console


This will reset the entire store.

window.STATE_MACHINE_RESET() to reset the localStorage or sessionStorage


This will return the entire store.



Save into another session/local storage

window.STATE_MACHINE_GET_STORE(name: string)


Load saved state into your app, you can either supply a name of your session/local storage, or supply a string of data.

window.STATE_MACHINE_GET_STORE({ storeName?: string, data?: Object })

storeName: external session/local storage name

data: string of data
