React pure modal - a simplest way to create dialog on your site


React pure modal is a simplest way to create dialog on your site.

React pure modal is a simplest way to create dialog on your site.

  • Very small (less than 4Kb)
  • Mobile friendly
  • Without dependencies



With inner scrolling


npm i -S react-pure-modal


import PureModal from 'react-pure-modal';
import 'react-pure-modal/dist/react-pure-modal.min.css';

  header="Your header"
  onClose={() => {
    console.log('handle closing');
    return true;
  <p>Your content</p>

And open with

<button onClick={() => }>Open modal</button>


replace PropTypes.bool (default: false)

Replace all inner markup with Component children

isOpen: PropTypes.bool

Control modal state from parent component

scrollable: PropTypes.bool (default: true)

You can disable scroll in modal body

draggable: PropTypes.bool (default: false)

You can drag a modal window

onClose: PropTypes.func

Handle modal closing. Should return true if you allow closing

className: PropTypes.string

ClassName for modal DOM element, can be used for set modal width or change behaviour on mobile devices

width: PropTypes.string (example '200px')

Width in pixels, em's, vw etc

header: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.node, PropTypes.string ])

Modal heading, doesn't disabled close button

footer: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.node, PropTypes.string ])

Place here your actions

Changelog (latest on top)

  • Drag and drop
  • fix bug in firefox and safari with modal position
  • set width as atribute
  • new default aligning to the screen center!
  • prevent of modal closing if ESC pressed in editable element
  • now with minified css!
  • styles are more impressive now, good mobile support
  • now scrollable can be false
  • remove dependencies, rewrite open and close logic, fix linting
  • new header logic and breaking classes changes


  • npm install
  • npm run webpack:dev -- --watch
  • npm run webpack:prod -- --watch
  • npm run test:dev
  • Open index.html from examples
