ReactJS client library for Emoji Captcha

Emoji Captcha react client library

Easily integrate emoji captcha in your react apps

React Client Installation

Install emoji-captcha with npm

  npm install @emoji-captcha/react

Install emoji-captcha with yarn

  yarn add @emoji-captcha/react


Somewhere in your forms

import EmojiCaptcha from "@emoji-captcha/react";

const emojiRes = fetch("somewhere from the earth/emoji-captcha");
// if you are using SSR you can directly put the emoji captcha res

const App = () => {
  const [selectedIdx, setSelectedIdx] = (useState < number) | (null > null);
  return (
      <h2>Emoji captcha React component demo</h2>
        onSelect={(val) => setSelectedIdx(val)}
      <h3>You selected {selectedIdx}</h3>

export default App;