Real estate for sale & for rent website with React

Real Estate React client ?️

What’s this project is about

Real estate for sale & for rent website. Real estate website’s visitors can easily filter their searches by type, location, price, and other predefined and custom criteria. Each property goes with a detailed description, community and property features, location, price, and a great image gallery. Buyer of real estate can find contacts of seller. In case seller enabled online appointment feature for advertisement – buyer can fill in form to make online appointment request.

Disclaimer: This project was merely a learning exercise as well as my first sizeable project delving into React, Redux & other used technologies.

Technologies Used

Terms & Conditions

This project was created in 2 and a half weeks. React Site & API Server was built as Portfolio project, after a Full-Stack Developer cource: Codaisseur.

Main goals of this project:

  • Create Full Stack App independently
    • Using new knowleges from Full Stack course
    • Finding and using new technologies for specific tasks
  • Brainstorm idea
  • Create Wireframes & Datastructure
  • Train Git Usage
    • Work on different branches
    • Create regular PR
    • Write a small summary when you make a PR
    • Create regular commits
    • Make sure latest working version is always on the master branch
  • Finish the exististing functionality and polish
  • Style Project
  • Deploy project

Installation & Setup Guide

  • git clone
  • cd RealEstateReact
  • npm install
  • npm run start

To run on local machine, API server should run on same local machine, using port: 4000

Deployment Guide

Before deployment API link should be changed in actions, and on payment page(CheckoutForm.jsx).

Datastructure for db


  • isForSale: Boolean,

  • isForRent: Boolean,

  • realEstateType: TEXT – can select from categories

  • adress

  • postcode

  • city

  • price

  • Year of construction

  • year of last renovation

  • Living space

  • Number of rooms/bedrooms/bathrooms

  • description

  • Status: Available/sold

  • Energy label

  • Heating

  • Warm water – Boiler/central

  • Location Description

  • Garden – optional

  • Type of parking

Extras(especially for rent): e.g.: optical internet free parking city view/nature view / cannal view air conditioner bath


username: TEXT, password: TEXT, email: TEXT, phoneNumber: Text,

User roles


Used to make a new appointment:

Each calendar event has:

  • hasOne Customer
  • hasOne Seller
  • date: Date
  • time: time
  • message: TEXT
  • customer PhoneNumber
  • customer Email
  • canceledByCustomer: Boolean
  • canceledBySeller: Boolean

App Screens

User Roles

  • Manager of Company can activate and suspend accounts of company agents.
  • Company Agent can not log in to site, after registration (while manager have not confirmed account)
  • Company Agents can use Company Balance to add new advertisements
  • Company manager can Top Up Balance for all company

Top Up Balance using Stripe

One step to add your Advertisement

Upload Images to your Advertisement

Add Extras to your Advertisement & Check finished Advertisement

Check Main Page & Search for Advertisements

Basic Mockups for Project

Image of Single advertisement page

Image of Search Page


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