Responsive JSX layouts with Styled Components

React Super Styled

Responsive JSX layouts with Styled Components.

RSS is a small React component library which aims to accelerate authoring of JSX layouts and to improve their readability:

  • Semantic component and prop naming
  • Handy boolean props for common styling rules
  • Media breakpoint support for styles, grid, and display (show/hide)
  • Flexbox and flex-based grid (arbitrary columns)
  • Spacing "shorthands" for margin, padding
  • Customizable theme, breakpoints

Some Breaking "improvements" in v0.5.0+, but well worth it :)


npm install react-super-styled --save


yarn add react-super-styled

Your React project should be using Styled Components as a dependency. If not, install it.

Usage Example

import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
import { Article, Heading, Text } from 'react-super-styled'

function MyArticle({text, title}) {
  return (
    <Article margin="1rem 0" styles={{ md: css`padding: 2rem` }}>
      <Heading h3 center color="firebrick" large>{title}</Heading>
      <Text italic">{text}</Text>

Interactive Docs

Try out React Super Styled "live" in the DEMO. The intent behind RSS is to be intuitive and readable. Experiment with all listed props and inspect the results! :)

RSS is intended for building layouts, proritizing dev speed and code readability. Dynamic prop parsing adds some "overhead". The library may be inappropriate for complex components requiring lots of custom styling, ultra dense layouts, tables, or wherever maximum render performance is critical. Don't build Reddit with it! :)


Nearly all RSS components accept a style prop, with responsive support. Styles can be passed in as a basic string of CSS, e.g. "color: red; font-size: 2rem" or an array of CSS interpolations from Styled Components' css helper. To specify styles per breakpoint, pass in an object with any of the following supported breakpoint keys:

{ xs: '...', sm: '...', md: '...', lg: '...', xl: '...' }


The Flex (container) and FlexItem components support all valid Flexbox props, plus an arbitrary-sized grid implementation.

FlexItem supports col and an optional offset, expecting width values as decimal percentages 0 - 1. For instance, a third of a 12-column grid, offset to the center:

<FlexItem col={ 4/12 } offset={ 4/12 }>
    Column Content

Flex accepts an optional gutter, which is passed down to any direct FlexItem children. Gutters are specified in rems (default) or other valid units, e.g. px. If specified, negative margins are applied to the Flex container to ensure flush alignment of the outer FlexItem columns with the container.

As with styles, the grid props will also accept object values, per breakpoint:

<FlexItem col={{ xs: 12/12, md: 6/12 }} offset={{ xs: 0, md: 3/12 }}>
    Column Content

Spacing Shorthands

Web layouts involve frequent tweaking of margins and padding, so most RSS components accept "shorthand" margin and padding props. Passing in numbers defaults to rem units.


The RSS theme does not come with any predefined font sizing. You can specify browser-interpreted sizing, e.g. small, medium (matches 100%), large, xLarge, xxLarge, as well as relative sizing & weights, e.g. smaller, larger, lighter, bolder. Explicit sizing can be set via the size prop, which accepts numbers (rem) or strings with any valid units.

Per "best practices", it is recommended to use rems, at least for typography. Setting following resets on your document tends to work well, establishing 1rem as 10px:

html { font-size: 62.5%; }   // 1rem
body { font-size: 1.4rem; }  // ~14px


RSS components rely on a built-in default theme. Being a layout-oriented library, the theme is "design neutral" and contains primarily (Bootstrap compatible) breakpoint values.

Should you want to override any of those values, you can pass in your own theme (or a subset thereof) to any RSS component directly via the theme prop. Using Styled Components' ThemeProvider wrapper should also work. The passed-in theme will be "extended over" the defaults, so it can be used to override existing values or to add more variables in case you decide to extend any RSS components further.

Extending Styling

Majority of RSS components are functional native Styled Components, so alternatively, they can be extended via Styled Components' extend method. For Heading and Flex you can use the styled(Component) approach.


withMedia( Component, [userTheme:Object] ) ⇒ 'xs'|'sm'|'md'|'lg'|'xl'

Enhancer HOC to supply the current "breakpoint" via prop media. Uses the MEDIA_SM, MEDIA_MD, MEDIA_LG, MEDIA_XL thresholds in the theme to determine the breakpoint -- the userTheme argument is optional, supply only if customizing those breakpoints.
