Solana-base-app is for Solana beginners to get them up and running fast


solana-base-app is for Solana beginners to get them up and running fast.

To start run :

  1. git clone
  2. cd solana-base-app
  3. yarn install or npm install
  4. yarn start

yarn install will install the required dependecies,
with yarn start a localhost server will start at localhost:1234

solana-base-app includes most basic funcationalities required to make a Solana dapp,

such as:

  1. Connecting to the wallet
  2. getting wallet balance
  3. sending transactions


This is the React.js version without Anchor, Anchor integration to the React.js vesion will added and version with Next.js will be out soon.

By: Ujjwal Gupta

For queries:,


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