Solana NFT Marketplace built with Next.js

Solana Nft Marketplace (FinalProjectSolana)

🎯 $\textcolor{gray}{In\ this\ project\ you\ have\ to\ know:}$

πŸ›  $\textcolor{gray}{Install\ dependencies}$

npm install @metaplex-foundation/js
npm install @solana/wallet-adapter-base
npm install @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui
npm install @tailwindcss/typography
npm install typewriter-effect
npm install @solana/web3.js
Responsive Desktop

☝ $\textcolor{gray}{With\ this\ App}$ πŸš€

Solana NftMArketplace

πŸ“ $\textcolor{gray}{Let’s\ start}$

To run this repo :

npm install


yarn install

Warning Please be sure that you install all dependencies!

And write in your terminal :

npm run dev

And have fun πŸŽ‰

β˜• $\textcolor{gray}{Let’s\ scroll\ through\ the\ pages}$