Solid components for tiptap v2


Solid components for tiptap v2


npm i tiptap-solid

# or

yarn add tiptap-solid

Note: This package just provides components for solid. For configuring/customizing the editor, refer tiptap’s official documentation.

For any issues with the editor. You may need to open the issue on tiptap’s repository


The structure of the helper components has been designed to mimic the React components provided by tiptap, so for further inspiration on how to use tiptap-solid see tiptap’s section on React

A Simple editor

import { Component } from "solid-js";
import StarterKit from "@tiptap/starter-kit";
import { createEditor, EditorContent } from "tiptap-solid";

const App: Component = () => {
  const editor = createEditor({
    extensions: [StarterKit],
    content: `Hello world!`,
  return <EditorContent editor={editor()} />;

Rendering a Solid component inside the editor:

Create a component Counter.tsx

import { NodeViewProps } from "@tiptap/core";
import { Component } from "solid-js";
import { NodeViewWrapper } from "tiptap-solid";

const Counter: Component<NodeViewProps> = (props) => {
  const increase = () => {
      count: props.node.attrs.count + 1,

  return (
    <NodeViewWrapper className="solid-component">
      <span contenteditable={false} className="label">
        Solid Component

      <div contenteditable={false} className="content">
        <button onClick={increase}>
          This button has been clicked {props.node.attrs.count} times.
export default Counter;

Create a node extension Extension.ts

import { Node, mergeAttributes } from "@tiptap/core";
import { SolidNodeViewRenderer } from "tiptap-solid";
import Counter from "./Counter";

export default Node.create({
  name: "solidComponent",
  group: "block",
  atom: true,
  addAttributes() {
    return {
      count: {
        default: 0,
  parseHTML() {
    return [
        tag: "solid-component",
  renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
    return ["solid-component", mergeAttributes(HTMLAttributes)];
  addNodeView() {
    return SolidNodeViewRenderer(Counter);

Register extension in your editor, and use the component’s tag App.tsx

import { Component } from "solid-js";
import StarterKit from "@tiptap/starter-kit";
import { createEditor, EditorContent } from "tiptap-solid";
import Extension from "./Extension";

const App: Component = () => {
  const editor = createEditor({
    extensions: [StarterKit, Extension],
    content: `
      This is still the text editor you’re used to, but enriched with node views.

    <solid-component count="5">
      Did you see that? That’s a Solid component. We are really living in the future.

  return <EditorContent editor={editor()} />;


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