Strongly-typed way to manage URL parameters. Works with react-router


Strongly-typed way to manage URL parameters. Works with react-router. Allows to strong-type parameters in routes and search.


yarn add react-router-url-params query-string

It’s implied, that you have react-router and react-router-dom installed.

After that you could start using the createRoute and useQueryParams.


Create the route once, use it everywhere!

Just pass you URL pattern to createRoute function:

const productPageRoute = createRoute('/products/:id');

optionally you could specify a type for the parameters

const productPageRoute = createRoute('/products/:id', {id: RequiredNumberParam});

After that you could use it to

  1. Generate a link to that page{id: 123}); // gives you /products/123
  1. Read parameter values inside your page (useParams hook with types)
const params = productPageRoute.useParams(); // gives you { id: 123 } with correct Typescript types
  1. Match url inside your page (useMatch hook with types)
const match = productPageRoute.useMatch(); // gives you: { params: { id: 123 }, pathname: '/products/123', pattern: '/products/:id' } with correct Typescript types 
  1. Match url from arbitrary place (not a hook)
const matchAnywhere = productPageRoute.matchPath(window.location.pathname); // gives you: { params: { id: 123 }, pathname: '/products/123', pattern: '/products/:id' } with correct Typescript types
  1. Use it in your Routes configuration:

  <Route path={productPageRoute.route} element={/*your component here*/}/>


This is a port of use-query-params to react-router-v6. Original API of useQueryParams and useQueryParam is preserved (and even serialization engine is reused).

The only change is that we are using useSearchParams of react-router to get and set query parameters. Also, you don’t need to wrap your app in <QueryParamProvider></QueryParamProvider>, because we are tied to react-router API.

Since the API is the same, you could check the original docs or original demo (all credits go to pbeshai). I’m copying a part of original API description here for clarity:


import { useQueryParams, StringParam, NumberParam } from 'react-router-url-params';

// reads query parameters `foo` and `bar` from the URL and stores their decoded values
const [query, setQuery] = useQueryParams({ foo: NumberParam, bar: StringParam });
setQuery({ foo: 500 })
setQuery({ foo: 123, bar: 'zzz' }, { replace: true });

// to unset or remove a parameter set it to undefined and use pushIn or replaceIn update types
setQuery({ foo: undefined }) // ?foo=123&bar=zzz becomes ?bar=zzz

// functional updates are also supported:
setQuery((latestQuery) => ({ foo: + 150 }))

Param Types

See all param definitions from serialize-query-params. You can define your own parameter types by creating an object with an encode and a decode function. See the existing definitions for examples.

Examples in this table assume query parameter named qp.

Param Type Example Decoded Example Encoded
StringParam string 'foo' ?qp=foo
NumberParam number 123 ?qp=123
ObjectParam { key: string } { foo: 'bar', baz: 'zzz' } ?qp=foo-bar_baz-zzz
ArrayParam string[] ['a','b','c'] ?qp=a&qp=b&qp=c
JsonParam any { foo: 'bar' } ?qp=%7B%22foo%22%3A%22bar%22%7D
DateParam Date Date(2019, 2, 1) ?qp=2019-03-01
BooleanParam boolean true ?qp=1
NumericObjectParam { key: number } { foo: 1, bar: 2 } ?qp=foo-1_bar-2
DelimitedArrayParam string[] ['a','b','c'] ?qp=a_b_c
DelimitedNumericArrayParam number[] [1, 2, 3] ?qp=1_2_3

Contributions and support

Issues and Pull Requests are welcome.

For any kind of private consulting or support you could contact Artur Drobinskiy directly via email.


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