Tiles with buy/sell operations from EXMO updated in real time
Real-time EXMO Trade tiles.
This project was invented by myself and it was created for my own portfolio and you most likely can’t be able
to find a use for it in real life. I’m not a cryptocurrency trader ?
But this project is made to show my experience in some of Frontend technologies, such as:
- ReactJS (I didn’t use Redux here, but I knew it too.);
- EXMO WebSocket API;
- SVG icons (some of them I drew myself);
- Typescript (Currently I move it from native JS to Typescript);
- Consta (https://consta.gazprom-neft.ru/) with ready-to-use Components.
How to start the project
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App so there are
standard scripts to start and build Application, for example:
yarn start
yarn build
Thus all you need is install dependencies and start the App.
But one thing you needs to be done is to create .env file in a Project root folder, for example:
with the following content: