Todo Web Application Deployed on ECR to ECS Cluster with Jenkins Pipeline
Todo Web Application Deployed on ECR to ECS Cluster with Jenkins Pipeline
About | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | Output | License | Author
? About
Javascript web application ? automated with Jenkins pipeline to create Docker image and push the image to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and deploy them on Elastic Container Service (ECS) Cluster.
? Technologies
The following tools were used in this project:
✅ Requirements
Before starting ? you need to have Git, Docker, Yarn and Node installed.
? Starting
If you want to start the project locally, you can use the following commands:
# Clone this project
git clone
# Access
cd todo-ecr-ecs-cluster
# Install dependencies
yarn install --production
# Run the project
# The server will initialize in the <http://localhost:3000>
npm run start
You can run Terraform commands in the project folder:
# Run the Terraform init command
terraform init
# Run the Terraform plan command
terraform plan
# After this command, you will see the changes that will be applied to the infrastructure
# You can run the apply command to apply the changes
terraform apply --auto-approve
- if you want to manually run
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>
- Then run the image
docker run --name todo -dp 80:3000 <aws_account_id>
- Delete the container
docker container stop todo
docker container rm todo
- Createa ECS cluster with a unique name with the following command.
aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name to-do-app
- Register the task definition with the following command.
aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://to-do-app.json
- List the task definitions.
aws ecs list-task-definitions
- Create a service with following command.
Note: securityGroups=[sg-e29b36ce] is default security group. If we don’t specify any security group, aws assign default security group to the cluster.
# change the subnets and security group and make sure that the 3000 port is open
aws ecs create-service --cluster to-do-app --service-name to-do-app-service --task-definition to-do-app --desired-count 1 --launch-type "FARGATE" --network-configuration "awsvpcConfiguration={subnets=[subnet-077c9758],securityGroups=[sg-e29b36ce],assignPublicIp=ENABLED}"
If you want to run the project in a Docker container, you can use the following command:
- Build the Docker container image using the
docker build
docker build -t todo-app:v1.0 .
- Show the Docker image is created successfully.
docker image ls
- Run
todo app
from the local Docker image.
docker run --name todo -d -p 80:3000 todo-app:v1.0
# The server will initialize in the <http://localhost:80>
- List running container.
docker ps
# or
docker container ls
- If necessary, authenticate the Docker CLI to your default
ECR registry
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>
- Delete the ECR repository
from AWS CLI.
aws ecr delete-repository \
--repository-name devenes/to-do-app \
--force \
--region us-east-1
- Delete the service and ecs cluster.
aws ecs delete-service --cluster to-do-app --service to-do-app-service --force
aws ecs delete-cluster --cluster to-do-app
? Expected Output
? Resources
? License
This project is under license from Apache. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
Made with ❤️ by devenes