TypeScript to ES module compiler

TypeScript to ES Module compiler.

Use tszip to compile TypeScript libraries, including React components, written
in ESNext to 100% tree-shakeable ES module packages (not bundles). Please see
the Usage section for an overview of how this works.

The legacy fork, which aimed to
guarantee backwards compatibility if that is your goal, is now deprecated
(before ever having been released). If you need CJS interop at the library level
out-of-the-box, please use that package.

Quick Start

Install tszip and create a new package:

# install tszip globally
yarn global add @tszip/tszip

# create a package
tszip create $PACKAGE_NAME

Enter the workspace and start developing, or build the release package:

# listen for changes
tszip dev

# -or-

# build release
tszip build


This tool is used to compile TS and JS libraries, i.e. it bundles modules and
exposes them for import by others downstream.

ESNext input

tszip projects are able to use the full range of features offered by ESNext,
including top-level await and ES module syntax, which are left in the emitted

require can be shimmed using createRequire(import.meta.url) and used safely
in your source code and dependencies without issue for legacy interop (see
Importing CJS below).²

Importing CJS

You can import CJS modules via import pkg from 'pkg' by

If you need require for legacy functionality, either directly in your codebase
or in CJS dependencies, you can import the
@tszip/cjs package
at the top of the relevant context:

// breaks: chalk is a CJS module, no named imports
import { green } from 'chalk'

// success: default import
import chalk from 'chalk'

// `require` is now available
import '@tszip/cjs'
const chalk = require('chalk')
const { green } = require('chalk')

Internal vs. external entry points

Note: This behavior can be disabled by editing the exports field in your
project’s package.json.

tszip projects leverage the package.json exports field to automatically
resolve subpath imports for your package, which mimics something like an
optimized version of legacy require() logic.

  • An import from your-package/submodule is an import from

  • Non-index endpoints are “internal” to the package and cannot be imported
    directly without being re-exported at an index file.

In short, only index files are available for import downstream.³ For more
detail, consider the following typical project structure:

├── a
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── utils.ts
├── b
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── utils.ts
├── c
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── subpath
│   │   └── index.ts
│   └── utils.ts
├── constants.ts
├── index.ts
└── utils.ts

Output in dist/ takes the following form and maps to the following import
specifiers (type declarations and sourcemaps omitted):

├── a
│   ├── index.js      ➞  your-package/a
│   └── utils.js
├── b
│   ├── index.js      ➞  your-package/b
│   └── utils.js
├── c
│   ├── index.js      ➞  your-package/c
│   ├── subpath
│   │   └── index.js  ➞  your-package/c/subpath
│   └── utils.js
├── constants.js
├── index.js          ➞  your-package
└── utils.js

The main result is that index modules (your-package/a, your-package/b,
etc.) are said to be external in that you can import them from another ES
module, and non-index modules (constants.js, utils.js, a/utils.js, etc.)
are internal in that they are emitted as output, but cannot be imported
without re-exporting at an index.

See the following examples, where your-package is the name of the package in

/** This is a downstream module importing your package. */

// your-package is always exported as the root index
import { whatever } from 'your-package'

// your-package/a is an index file, and is exported
import { whatever } from 'your-package/a'

// error! this entry point is not an index, and is not exported
import { whatever } from 'your-package/a/utils'

Additional examples are available under Footnotes > More examples regarding
subdir import specifiers


yarn boot

This is an escape hatch to build an executable (but unoptimized) version of your
project without using tszip involved (only TSC and Rollup). Can be used for
debugging if there are errors in the output emitted by tszip build.

yarn dev

Runs the project in development/watch mode, automatically compiling and
refreshing on changes.

yarn build

Runs the release build process and compiles optimized output to dist/.

yarn test

Runs your tests using Jest.

yarn lint

Runs Eslint with Prettier on .ts and .tsx files. If you want to customize eslint
you can add an eslint block to your package.json, or you can run yarn lint --write-file and edit the generated .eslintrc file.



You can add your own jest.config.js to the root of your project and tszip
will shallow merge it with its own Jest config.


You can add your own .eslintrc to the root of your project and tszip will
deep merge it with its own ESLint config.

API Reference

tszip dev

  Compile package and listen for changes.

  $ tszip dev [options]

  -h, --help    Displays this message

tszip build

  Create the release build for the package.

  $ tszip build [options]

  --noMinify         Do not minify output.
  --transpileOnly    Only transpile TS, do not typecheck.
  -h, --help         Displays this message

tszip lint

  Run eslint with Prettier

  $ tszip lint [options]

  --fix               Fixes fixable errors and warnings
  --ignore-pattern    Ignore a pattern
  --max-warnings      Exits with non-zero error code if number of warnings exceed this number  (default Infinity)
  --write-file        Write the config file locally
  --report-file       Write JSON report to file locally
  -h, --help          Displays this message

  $ tszip lint src
  $ tszip lint src --fix
  $ tszip lint src test --ignore-pattern test/foo.ts
  $ tszip lint src test --max-warnings 10
  $ tszip lint src --write-file
  $ tszip lint src --report-file report.json

tszip test

This runs Jest, forwarding all CLI flags to it. See
https://jestjs.io for options.


tszip is an iteration on TSDX, which was
originally ripped out of Formik’s build
tooling. See @developit/microbundle
for related work.


Released under the MIT License.


¹ Because of multiple competing standards, consumers of packages may need to
transpile code to older featuresets (i.e. pre-ES2015) in order for them to work
in certain contexts. However, there is no need for this to be done upstream, as
is currently done now, but only before bundling for the client (and even then,
only if needed).

Developers should be able to specify modules in ESNext to take full advantage of
new syntax and ES module resolution benefits, which is what tszip aims to
enable. At the upstream library level, we can ship code without polyfills, using
the latest syntax and module resolution, and leave it up to the consumer to
transpile it down if necessary as part of their build pipeline.

With this approach, newer contexts that support newer features can take direct
advantage of them by default rather than being locked into a legacy system, e.g.
by being forced to consume polyfilled library code or an ESM wrapper around
legacy CJS modules.

² This works identically to legacy behavior only because each entry point is
mapped to a transpiled version of itself. Default Rollup behavior of compiling
all code to a single output bundle would break this assumption and make shimming
require impossible.

Note (9/7/2021): require is now shimmed only for the Rollup process, rather
than once per-file, but this documentation may be needed in the future in case
this logic is re-implemented.

³ This logic is an efficient compromise given the way Node.js resolves the
exports field: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39994

See the Node.js docs for more info about conditional exports:

More examples regarding subdir import specifiers

tszip will build this same structure in src/ to dist/ when building the
package. As explained above, the exports configuration provides for the
following behavior:

  • Module specifiers, such as:

    1. your-package
    2. your-package/a
    3. your-package/b
    4. your-package/c/subpath, etc.

    Are resolved to index files:

    1. your-package/index.js
    2. your-package/a/index.js
    3. your-package/b/index.js,
    4. your-package/c/subpath/index.js, etc.
  • Whereas non-index files:

    • your-package/constants.js
    • your-package/a/utils.js
    • your-package/b/utils.js, etc.

    cannot be imported without being re-exporting at an index (e.g. export * from './utils' in index.ts).