Use React in Angular and Angular in React, easily

React in Angular and Angular in React

This is a small Angular library that lets you use React components inside Angular projects.

<react-wrapper [component]="Button" [props]="{ children: 'Hello world!' }">

function ReactComponent(props) {
  return <AngularWrapper component={TextComponent} inputs={{ text: props.text }}>


npm i @bubblydoo/angular-react

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The Angular Injector is provided on each React component by default using React Context. You can use Angular services and other injectables with it:

const authService = useInjected(AuthService)


Because consuming observables is so common, we added a helper hook for it:

import { useObservable } from '@bubblydoo/react-angular'

function LoginStatus() {
  const authService = useInjected(AuthService)

  const [value, error, completed] = useObservable(authService.isAuthenticated$)

  if (error) return <>Something went wrong!<>

  return <>{value ? "Logged in!" : "Not logged in"}</>

Global React Context

Because this library creates a different ReactDOM root for each react-wrapper, if you want to have a global React Context, you can register it as follows:

// app.component.ts

constructor(angularReact: AngularReactService) {
  const client = new ApolloClient();
  // equivalent to ({ children }) => <ApolloProvider client={client}>{children}</ApolloProvider>
  angularReact.wrappers.push(({ children }) => React.createElement(ApolloProvider, { client, children }));

In this example, we use ApolloProvider to provide a client to each React element. We can then use useQuery in all React components.


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