Weekly Digest for React № 7

Weekly Digest

Welcome to my Weekly Digest #7.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles,Video and React Codes I consumed during this week.

1.Jam: an open source alternative to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and similar audio spaces

Jam is an open source alternative to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and similar audio spaces.

With Jam you can create audio rooms that can be used for panel discussions, jam sessions, free flowing conversations, debates, theatre plays, musicals and more. The only limit is your imagination.

2.Unplugin-icons: Access thousands of icons as components on-demand universally

3.The cursor is the heart of any interaction with the web. Why not take it to the next level?

The cursor is the heart of any interaction with the web. Why not take it to the next level?

4.Windows 11 Browser Clone Built using react, styled components and zustand for state management

A small and incomplete clone of the latest version of Window.
The project was created using React’s typescript template, zustand for state management and styled-components for styling and theming the application

5.Some great videos I watched this week

Create your own Linked List
Being asked to create your own linked list in a coding interview is a tale as old as time.

6.Faster DevTools navigation with shortcuts and settings

Sharing some useful shortcuts and settings for quicker DevTools navigation.

7.The fundamentals of CSS layout

Learn about the key CSS layout methods of flexbox and grid. Discover how these layout methods enable responsive, content-aware designs, and how to choose the best layout method for the component you need to build.

8.Coding Interview with Dan Abramov

9.A simple emoji finding tool made with React

A simple emoji finding tool made with ReactJS.

10.React, Redux Firebase Boilerplate

Firebase is a powerful platform for your mobile and web applications that lets you build apps fast without managing servers. Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure to build better apps and grow successful businesses.

11.Demo & testing repository for ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter expansion pack

Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter packed with useful development features.

12.JavaScript course at the Udemy platform given by Professor Luiz Otávio Miranda