Weekly Digest for React № 9

Weekly Digest

Merry Christmas.Welcome to my Weekly Digest #9.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles,Video and React Codes I consumed during this week.

1.Toolkit for implementing clean architecture using Redux

This repo aims to be a guide on how to implement Clean Architecture using @reduxjs/toolkit.

2.AuthBee: a NPM package to implement authentication logic for the front end of your JavaScript project

AuthBee is a NPM package to implement authentication in your JavaScript project. If you are using JWT in your project, this is the best option for you since this tracks expirationDate with the help of localStorage and logouts the usert if token is expired.

3.A set of functions for drawing S-curved arrows between points and shapes

A set of functions for drawing S-curved arrows between points and shapes.

4.Dark mode - Designing in the Browser

On this episode of Designing in the Browser, we’re going to take a look at dark mode with our host Una Kravets.

5.Authoring colors with DevTools

Let’s take a look at some of the color features in DevTools.

6.Monorepos - How the Pros Scale Huge Software Projects

Big companies, like Google & Facebook, store all their code in a single monolithic repository or monorepo… but why? Learn how to use tools like NPM or Yarn workspaces, Lerna, Nx, and Turborepo to scale your codebase

7.A website that makes use of the specs API (glasses) methods. With a SAAS kind of feel to it

A website that makes use of the specs API (glasses ?) methods. With a SAAS kind of feel to it.

8.The classic Tic-Tac-Toe game, built with React

The classic Tic-Tac-Toe game, built with React

9.Integrate payments with Next.js and TailwindCSS

Integrate payments with Next.js and TailwindCSS

10.Add notifications component easily using wc-toast. Inspired by react-hot-toast

Add notifications component easily using wc-toast. Vanilla JavaScript web component notification inspired by react-hot-toast

11.A customised meme generator app built in ReactJS

A customised meme generator app built in ReactJS. It is a web app fetching data from an API with random meme images and have the option of adding a top text and a bottom text to it.

12.Javascript/React Portfolio site to display and showcase favourite projects

This is a website to act as a showcase of Javascript programming, as well as show my projects.
It utilises a number of different technologies to create a beautiful interface,
clean animations between pages and good examples of programming concepts.