20 Best React Accordion UI Component For Web Developers

React Accordion

Hi,React.js Developers.

Take a look at these 20 samples of React Accordion UI Component for inspiration.

Update of October 2021 collection.

1.React Accordion UI Component

I wanted to flex my react muscles by building a little component. It all began with this egghead tutorial.

Great way to get started and practice some ES6, however at the end of this brief guide I was left with only one list item, so I had some fun digging around to figure out how to render a full list of question and answers.

React Accordion

2.A simple accordion style app built with React

A simple accordion style app built with React.

React Accordion

3.FAQ-Accordion-Card build with React.js and hooks

FAQ-Accordion-Card build with React.js and hooks (useState).

FAQ-Accordion-Card build with React.js and hooks

4.React Accordion Menu Component

React Accordion Menu Component

5.Collapse library based on css transition for React

Collapse component with CSS transition for elements with variable and dynamic height.

Component-wrapper for collapse animation with CSS for elements with variable and dynamic height.

Collapse library based on css transition for React

6.Accordion react component with animation

Accordion react component with animation.

Accordion react component with animation

7.A very lightweight accordion component in React

A very lightweight accordion component in React (only has one dependency).

8.Accordion component made with React

Accordion - React BY Matthew Vincent

9.React Accordion Box

React Accordion Box BY Adam Moore mimic the actions but building it in React.js

10.Simple Accordion Example with React and a11y

These are a11y compliant accordions. Very basic, but a good illustration of how you can implement features rapidly using React.

Simple Accordion Example with React and a11y

11.Simple lightweight accordion component

Simple lightweight (1.5kb minified+gzipped) accordion component.

Simple lightweight accordion component

12.Cool accordion with React.js

a nice React accordion example.

Cool accordion with React.js

13.Accessible Accordion component for React

Accessible Accordion component for React. Inspired by rc-collapse and react-sanfona.

Accessible Accordion component for React

14.React Accordeon component with expand/collapse CSS animation

The event trigger can be configured to any component, such in the Navigation and Content

React Accordeon component with expand/collapse CSS animation

15.React component to wrap content in Collapsible element with trigger to open and close

React Responsive Collapsible Section Component

React Responsive Collapsible Section Component

16.rc-collapse ui component for react

rc-collapse ui component for react.

rc-collapse ui component for react

17.React state managing components for creating accordions and tabs

Universal, semantic and accessible React state managing components for creating Accordions and Tabs

React state managing components for creating accordions and tabs

18.A custom accordion using React components

A custom accordion using React components.

A custom accordion using React components

19.React accordion

20.React Accordion Component Using Context

React Accordion Component Using Context