SVGL Banner

? Packages:

  • ⚡️ Nextjs – The React Framework for Production.
  • ⚒️ React 18 – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • ? Typescript – A superset of JavaScript.
  • Vitest – A blazing fast unit test framework.
  • ? Chakra UI – Create accessible React apps with speed.
  • ? Framer Motion – Production-ready motion library.
  • ? Phosphor Icons – A flexible icon family for everyone.
  • ⬇️ Next-PWA – Zero config PWA plugin for Next.js, with workbox.

? Getting started:

You need:

  1. Clone the repository:
[email protected]:pheralb/svgl.git
  1. Install dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install
  1. Run:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
  1. Test & Build:

npm run ready
# or
yarn ready

Open localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

? Can I add my logo?

Yes! Here is a guide for you ?:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Clone the forked repository:

[email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/svgl.git
  1. Add the .svg logo here: /public/library.

  2. Add your logo information here following the structure: /data/svgs.json.

  "id": 1,
  "slug": "/library/your_logo.svg",
  "title": "Logo Title",
  "category": "Logo Category",
  "url": "Your Website / app url"
  1. Create a commit and push:

git add .
git commit -m "? Added my logo"
git push origin main
  1. Create a pull request with your changes and ? ready.

? Api endpoints:

- /api/all: returns all the logos.
- /api/search?id=2: returns the logo with id 2.
- /api/search?q=logo: returns the logo with query.

⚒️ Shortcuts:

? License:


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