react markdown editor


yarn add react-markdown-editor-cm5
npm i react-markdown-editor-cm5


import MdEditor from 'react-markdown-editor-cm5';
import 'react-markdown-editor-cm5/lib/css/main.min.css';

function App() {
  return (
      <MdEditor value=""></MdEditor>

export default App;



type toolbar = ‘bold’ | ‘checkList’| ‘clear’| ‘codeBlock’| ‘dateTime’| ‘dividing’| ’emoji’| ‘fullScreen’| ‘header’| | ‘htmlEntities’| ‘humpCase’| ‘image’ | ‘inlineCode’| ‘italic’| ‘link’| ‘lowerCase’| ‘orderedList’| ‘quote’| ‘redo’| ‘undo’| ‘sub’| ‘super’| ‘table’| ‘theme’| ‘through’| ‘toggleEditor’| ‘unOrderedList’| ‘upperCase’

name type default description
initialValue string initial value of editor
width number | string ‘100%’ width of editor
height number 800 height of editor,
toolbars Array<toolbar> all of toolbar custom toollbar item, if it’s a empty array, editor will hide toolbar
toolBarHeight number 34 height editor toolbar
onSave (mdValue?: string, htmlValue?: string): void callback when editor save
onChange (mdValue?: string, htmlValue?: string): void callback when editor content change
uploadImageMethod (file: string | Blob, insertImageCallback: (fileName: string, imageUrl: string) => void): void; method of upload image

example of uploadImageMethod

No matter what your upload method is, you just need call insertImageCallback after your upload method, filename param is the title of image, the imageUrl is the image url after upload

function App() {
  const uploadImageMethod: uploadImageMethod = (file, insertImageCallback) => {
    const uploadApi = 'http://localhost:8080/upload';
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file', file);

    fetch(uploadApi, {
      method: 'POST',
      body: formData,
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((data) => {
        const { imgName, imageUrl } = data;
        insertImageCallback(imgName, imageUrl);
      .catch((error) => {

  return (
    <div style={{ padding: '50px' }}>
export default App;


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