Windmill React UI
The component library for fast and accessible development of gorgeous interfaces.
Windmill React UI is a component library based on Tailwind CSS, that goes beyond usual libraries. It's built upon three principles:
- You get dark theme using one prop
- It's accessible out-of-the-box (and built listening to a real screen reader)
- Easier to learn through live code examples
? Usage
Inside tailwind.config.js
Then place Windmill
at the root of your project (the order doesn't matter, as long as your application is inside).
Use components inside your project
? Roadmap
- [ ] Development live server (currently using Styleguidist; polutes the
Things that are not in the plans for the near future and why:
New components
This library is so fresh, that if we just add new components now, we'll be just introducing bugs and bad design decisions into more code.
So, until we get to a point that the current components are in good shape and we have a clear vision of what a good component must have, we will just work on the existing component base.
How long will it take? A week, a month, it depends on the time I can put into it.