react-var-ui is a simple React component library for variable setting and preview, inspired by iOS settings, react-dat-gui and dat.gui.
While some code from react-dat-gui was used, this library functions in a completely different way. The codebase uses modern React code practices such as hooks and functional components. Instead of iterating over the children array, react-var-ui uses a Context. Creation of custom components is also easier.
What makes react-var-ui different when compared to similar libraries such as Leva or react-dat-gui, react-var-ui doesn't force itself to float over all your content, instead react-var-ui lives peacefully inside of the React node it is placed in. Unlike Leva and much more like react-dat-gui, react-var-ui relies on a local state variable, providing the developer with more flexibility. While this might seem less convenient, it allows for more customization and usage of multiple instances of react-dat-gui within one project.
Install react-var-ui
with either npm or yarn:
yarn add react-var-ui
# or
npm install react-var-ui
Then include the CSS with:
Example usage
react-var-ui uses jest for automated unit tests and storybook for manually testing the UI.
You can run unit tests after installing by running:
yarn test
Storybook can be ran with:
yarn storybook
To run the example app, you first need to start the project with:
yarn start
And then enter the example directory and start the app:
cd ./example
yarn start
(make sure to run yarn install
Utility components
<VarUI />
This is the main component which provides a Context for other components. It is not required to use this component - other components accept onChange
and value
properties which provide a similar functionality.
Property | Description | Type |
values | A JavaScript object or array to be mutated by the input components. | object |
updateValues | The function to be called whenever an update is available. | (values: object) => void |
Property | Description | Type |
className | Additional class names for the wrapper object. | string |
<VarCategory />
Category component for grouping inputs.
Property | Description | Type |
label | Category label. | ReactNode |
Property | Description | Type |
className | Additional class names on the wrapping div element. | string |
Input components
Base properties
Most input components accept the following base properties.
Does not apply to <VarButton />
T is component's value type.
Property | Description | Type |
label | Label to be shown left to the input. | ReactNode |
className | Additional class names on the wrapping div element. | string |
path | Variable path in the data object. | string |
value | Current value (only used if context and path aren't available). In most cases you aren't going to need this. |
T |
defaultValue | Default value for components that support resetting (on double click for example). | T |
disabled | Should the component be disabled. | boolean |
onChange | On change event, called with the new value if provided. In most cases you aren't going to need this. |
(value: T) => void |
children | Children. Only rendered when provided directly to the VarBase component. | ReactNode |
<VarAngle />
Angle picker component. Accepts and provides numbers (radians).
T = number (rad)
<VarBase />
Base VarUI input component. Doesn't do anything besides displaying the label.
Used to construct other components from.
<VarButton />
Button component.
Does not accept any of the base component properties.
Property | Description | Type |
buttonLabel | Category label. | ReactNode |
Property | Description | Type |
onClick | Called when the button is clicked. | () => void |
disabled | Should the component be disabled. | boolean |
<VarColor />
Color picker component. Returns and accepts values in form of hex color strings.
Uses react-color under the hood.
T = string (#XXXXXX)
Property | Description | Type |
alpha | Should allow picking alpha values? If true, the result hex code will contain extra two characters representing the alpha value, from 00 to FF. |
boolean |
<VarDisplay />
A simple component that displays a string or a numeric value.
Only accepts path and value. Does not change any values.
T = string | number
<VarNumber />
Integer/float number component. Accepts and provides numbers.
T = number
Property | Description | Type |
min | Minimum value. | number |
max | Maximum value. | number |
step | Step. | number |
integer | Should the end result be rounded to an integer value. | boolean |
showInput | If true will display an editable input, otherwise shows a read only value. | boolean |
showButtons | If true will display buttons that increase and decrease the value by step. | boolean |
<VarSelect />
Select component. Returns and accepts either value
from option object or key
when value
is not provided.
T = any
Property | Description | Type |
options | Options to be displayed. | IVarSelectOption[] |
Interface: IVarSelectOption
Property | Description | Type |
key | Key for the option. Also used as value if value is not specified. |
ReactText |
label | Option label. | string |
Property | Description | Type |
value | Option value. Key will be used if not specified. Note: Will be serialized to JSON and deserialized when selected. |
any |
<VarSlider />
Integer/float slider component. Accepts and provides numbers.
T = number
Property | Description | Type |
min | Minimum value. | number |
max | Maximum value. | number |
step | Step. | number |
Property | Description | Type |
integer | Should the end result be rounded to an integer value. | boolean |
showInput | If true will display an editable input, otherwise shows a read only value. | boolean |
showButtons | If true will display buttons that increase and decrease the value by step. | boolean |
<VarString />
String input component. Accepts and provides a string value.
T = string
Property | Description | Type |
maxLength | Maximum length of the text. | number |
multiline | Should the field be a textarea? | boolean |
<VarToggle />
Checkbox/toggle component. Accepts and returns a boolean (true/false).
T = boolean
<VarXY />
XY offset picker. Accepts and provides an array in form of [x, y].
T = [number (x), number (y)]
Property | Description | Type |
min | Minimum value. | [number (x), number (y)] |
max | Maximum value. | [number (x), number (y)] |
step | Step. | [number (x), number (y)] |
Theme customization
The colors can be customized as such (provided are default values):
Custom input components
react-var-ui provides a <VarBase />
component and a useVarUIValue
hook designed to facilitate creation of custom components.