The Bookstore is a website similar to the “Awesome Books” website built in the previous Microverse module (see live version). My goal here is to create an MVP version of it that allows the user to:
- Display a list of books.
- Add a book.
- Remove a selected book.
By building this application, I will learn how to use React and Redux.
A screenshot of the Books page of the app is presented below:
Built With
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript;
- ReactJS, ReduxJS;
- VisualStudio Code, Git, & GitHub;
- NodeJs (v. 14.17)
- YarnJs (v. 1.22.10)
- Git
Getting Started
To run this project, you only need a computer with a browser installed, and follow these steps:
- In your terminal, in the folder of your preference, type the following bash command to clone this repository:
git clone
- Now that you have already cloned the repo run the following commands to get the project up and running:
cd bookstore
yarn start
? Ênio Neves de Souza
- GitHub: @enionsouza
- Twitter: @enionsouza
- LinkedIn: Enio Neves de Souza
? Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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? License
This project is MIT licensed.