Web3 Boilerplate

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  1. This is a work in progress…
  2. Just getting started with Typescript and no React expert on top of that, any contribution/improvment pull-request is more than welcomed!

Let’s buidl the new internet together ?


Simple and minimalist Web3 boilerplate to boost your Dapp development. Don’t waste time setting up CRA, Typescript, react-script v5 polyfill, and connecting metamask and other wallets any longer. Instead, get this web3-boilerplate and start coding right away with the latest stack available out there!

Try it yourself: https://web3-boilerplate.netlify.app/

Built With

  • React
  • typescript
  • AntDesign
  • web3react
  • prettier
  • ESLint


Make sure you have the following ready:

  • node.js installed (developped on LTS v16.16.0)
  • typescript installed (developped on v4.7.4)
  • yarn installed
  • MetaMask (or any web3 compatible wallet) installed in your browser

Once your config is ready, create a new repo, open your favorite code editor, and clone the repo with the following cmd:

git clone https://github.com/Pedrojok01/Web3-Boilerplate.git .

Install all package dependancies by running:

yarn install

start the web3-boilerplate:

yarn start


  • Web3 Wallet (Metamask / Wallet connect / Coinbase)
  • Chain selector
  • Hooks to query user’s Native Balance / Token Balances
  • Hook to query user’s NFTs

⭐️ Enjoy… and don’t forget to leave a star if you like it !!! ⭐️


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