Expense Tracker
- This is a expense tracker system built using simple-react.
- This is the simple no-backend project built for my learning purpose.
- One can easily install and use this project
- One can use the code freely there is no kind of copyright or restriction in the repository
- Contributors are eagerly invited to the issue section
- Step by step installation guide is provided below
- For any query email me at hetekta2709@gmail.com or sintheteisnotvalid@gmail.com
Installation Guide
First of all I spend more than 3 weeks coding this thing so please star this repository so that I can impress my crush 😁
Clone the repository by the following command
git clone https://github.com/Hetosk1/expense-tracker
- Navigate into directory & Install the depencies by the command
cd expense-tracker
npm install
- Start the Application
npm start