Lightbox image viewer for react with zoom, rotate and move feature with single or multi image. Includes basic touch support.
- Fully Responsive
- Smooth tranformation
- Single Image Mode
- Multiple Image Mode
- Virtually unlimited zoom steps and move Support
- Full 360 degree rotate support
- Touch Support
- Full keyboard support
- Supports all major browsers
How to use
Setting up
To install, run the following command with your favourite package manager:
Once installed, include it in your project like this:
Then use it like this for single image:
or for multiple images:
Available properties
Lightbox can be customized with the following properties
property | default | description |
image | n/a | URL to the image to show while in single image mode |
title | n/a | Title to show with the single image |
images | null | Takes an array of inage and starts the lightbox in multi image mode. *If you supply both image and images prop, image is ignored. supported formats : ["url1","url2"...] or [{url"url",title:"title"}...] |
startIndex | 0 | If the lightbox is in multiple image mode, the starting image index |
zoomStep | 0.3 | Step for zoom in or zoom out, 1 means 100% so, default 0.3 means 30% |
onClose | null | This function determines how to react when the close button is pressed |
allowZoom | true | Determines if image zoom controls should be shown |
allowRotate | true | Determine if image rotate controls should be shown |
allowReset | true | Determine if reset buttons should be shown |
buttonAlign | "flex-end" | Determine how to align the toolbar buttons options are: flex-end , flex-start , center |
showTitle | true | Determines if title should be shown if available |
keyboardInteraction | true | Determine if keyboard shortcuts will be allowed See below section for available Shortcuts |
Keyboard Shortcut:
- Arrow keys ← , →, when zoomed out, will navigate between images in multi image mode.
- When Zoomed in, ←, →, ↑, ↓ keys will move the image
- + and - will zoom in and out the image is zoom is allowed.
- esc will reset transformation (if reset is allowrd), if no transformation is left to reset it will trigger the
function (close the lightbox).
All the styles are in the build/style.css
file. If you want to modify the CSS, download this file and customize it. then include the custom CSS file instead of the file from the package.