Myhours | Original
We were a team of 5 from the Masai Web-18 batch who worked on cloning the Myhours website as part of our Unit-5 construct week. As a team, we were given a project to clone the Myhours website. Our project demonstrates a basic flow of project managment app which allows you to track the progress of the project, where you can also restrict the budget spent on the projec, breakdown projects into smaller and simpler tasks and also how much time one spent on each task . (Basically you can track the progress of project and the employess also). |
My Hours is a cloud-based time tracking solution best suited for small teams and freelancers. Users can start time tracking on unlimited projects and tasks in seconds, generate insightful reports, and create invoices. |
Myhours Clone
Dashboard Page
Signin Page
[Getting Started]
Run Locally
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the localhost server
npm start
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