
Netflix Clone

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  • Create an account if you don’t have on TMDB. Because I use its free API to consume movie/tv data.
  • And then follow the documentation to create API Key
  • Finally, if you use v3 of TMDB API, create a file named .env.local, and copy and paste the content of .env.example. And then paste the API Key you just created.

Which features this project deals with

Third Party libraries used except for React and RTK


Note There might be several things to improve. Because this project aims to show how to use the features mentioned above. So I welcome anyone who wants to contribute.

A Similar and More Complex project

I am working on Afrikast, a more complex project now.

It has almost all the features are needed in a common video streaming website.

If anyone is interested in the project, you can log in with the following user, and explore the website. [email protected]/123456


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