
NFT marketplace Web Application with a backoffice to manage gift codes . The web interface allows you to Creat, Read and Update and a shopping cart and gift codes.

This Application use a file to save and read data, this way the gift codes and market data will persist, it’s useful for building apps running quickly before setting up a full database.





The developpment tasks can be splitted into Functional and Thecnical Assigments.

Funtional Assigments:

🔹 Navigation between the Market and the Back office.

🔹 Creation, Reading, Updating, Cart and Gift Code

🔹 User can add NFT to the cart, then edit the cart, checkout and apply a gift code

💎 A code can only be applied up to stock out.

💎 A code can only be used up to 2 months after creation date, the code APPLE20 can be used to test this feature.

💎 A code can only be applied if a minimum purchase amount is reached, set at €50.

💎 A code can be revoked at any time, which makes it unusable, this occurs when the status change from active to inactive.

💎 A revoked code cannot be reactivated

Thecnical Assigments:

🔸 Clean code

🔸 Code documentation

🔸 Responsive Style

🔸 Splitting an application into separate layers (ui, service, pages, layouts).

🔸 Data and State persistence (No Database implementation Request)

🔸 Nexts13 New Route Handlers API

Route Endpoints

🔅 http://localhost:3000/api/health-check

🔅 POST, PUT, PATCH http://localhost:3000/api/gift-code

🔅 GET, POST, PUT, PATCH http://localhost:3000/api/gift-code

🔅 GET, PUT, http://localhost:3000/api/gift-code

Running Application 🖥️ (The asiest way 😊)

Once you’ve cloned the project to your machine you can launch the project. Easy! 👏🏻

  1. Navigate to the directory in which you cloned the project.
cd danim-market 
  1. With docker
docker-compose up
  1. Locally, install node dependencies using npm or yarn
yarn OR npm i
  1. Run Client
yarn dev

Doubts? Ideas? Corrections?

Send an Issue, a pull request or knock me at https://[email protected]


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