
React forms with easy validation and multi steps.

?‍ Multi steps forms

Multi steps form logic available out of the box! No more pain to build perfect UX for complex forms.

Easy form validation

Create forms in React with full validation without the pain. Turn everything into a custom field with full validation!

? No more logic duplication

Don't duplicate your logic between display and validation. Validation is enabled only if the field is displayed.

? Forms with your own UX

Choose how to render validations, form buttons, and navigation between steps (wizard, tabs, other). It's your choice!

⚛️ Built with hooks

Use hooks & cut the complexity to create custom fields :) Use complex logic without even thinking of it.


The idea behind Formiz is to allow you to build advanced forms with
multiple steps, complex validations and a good UX without pain.

The main idea is to build fields as independent reusable components.
Fields can be anything, not just inputs. Once you have built your fields,
you can use them everywhere.

When you use a field built with Formiz, you can apply validations rules on it.
Only the mounted fields will apply their validation to the current step and to the form.

// Example
  required="Email is required"
      rule: isEmail(),
      message: 'Not a valid email',
React JSX

Formiz core does not provide any styles, so you can use it with any UI library and style you want.
Use it with Chakra UI, ReactStrap, Material UI or your own styles.


Feel like contributing? That's awesome!

Follow the flowing guide to run the project locally.

Install dependencies

This project use Yarn and Lerna.

This is needed the ** the first time** you get the project to install all dependencies.


Bootstrap the repo with Lerna

This is needed the ** the first time** you get the project to link local packages together.

yarn bs

Start documentation

yarn start

Run test in dev

yarn test:dev

This can be a little hard to see test results with this command.

So instead you can go in each packages folders and run tests from here.

cd packages/core
yarn test:dev
