
A modified clone of the puzzle game 2048, built in react/typescript!


This is a modified clone of the game 2048, which can be seen here: 2048! This project is built using React, Typescript, and Sass. This also gave me an excuse to give recoil a try for managing theme state, which is persisted with localstorage.


Please consider pulling the repo or downloading the project as a zip! To run locally please use a terminal and navigate to the project directory.

  1. run: npm install to install dependancies
  2. run: npm start to start the project.

Desktop and Mobile Releases

You may play the game at the demo link above or pulling the repository. However, I have created separete repositories to build a desktop version using Electron and also mobile versions using Capacitor. These versions of the application are available under the Releases section.

  • App store links will be provided once the review process is complete
  • Electron release will be updated as major progress is made.