
A date/range picker for your React applications.
it was a package for

  • Multiple Month, Custom Responsive, Number Of Selectable Days
  • Range Picker, Hoverable, Theme base
  • Support Jalali & Gregorian
  • Use Day.js (2KB immutable date and NO moment.js is needed)
  • Bundle size, 30kB (minified + GZipped 9.2 kB)


To run that demo on your own computer:

  • Clone this repository
  • yarn install
  • yarn start
  • Visit http://localhost:6006/

Getting started


Your project needs to use React 16 or later. If you use older version of React, please refer to the table below to find suitable React-Trip-Date version.


Add React-Trip-Date to your project by executing
npm install react-trip-date or
yarn add react-trip-date

if you don't installed styled-components and classnames, you need to install them.
npm install styled-components classnames or
yarn add styled-components classnames


Here's an example of basic usage:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { DatePicker, RangePicker, theme } from 'react-trip-date';
import {ThemeProvider} from 'styled-components';
const  handleResponsive  =  setNumberOfMonth  =>  {
	let  width  =  document.querySelector('.tp-calendar').clientWidth;
	if  (width  >  900)  {
	}  else  if  (width  <  900  &&  width  >  580)  {
	}  else  if  (width  <  580)  {

const  Day = ({  day  }) => {
	return  (
			<p  className="date">{day.format('DD')}</p>
			<p  className="date">7</p>
class MyApp extends Component {

  onChange = date => console.log(date)

  render() {
    return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
		  selectedDays={['2019-11-06']} //initial selected days
		  numberOfSelectableDays={3} // number of days you need 
		  disabledDays={['2019-12-02']} //disabeld days
		  responsive={handleResponsive} // custom responsive, when using it, `numberOfMonths` props not working
		  disabled={false} // disable calendar 
		  dayComponent={Day} //custom day component 
		  titleComponent={Title} // custom title of days

Custom styling

If you don't want to use default React-Trip-Date styling to build upon it, you can import theme by using import { theme } from 'react-trip-date instead and custom it.

User guide



Prop name Description Default value Example values
handleChange is a function that return an array of days n/a (days) => console.log('selected days',days)
selectedDays the initial array of days [] ['2019-10-01','2019-11-06']
jalali choice jalali or gregorian calendar false false/true
numberOfMonths number of months you need 1 2
numberOfSelectableDays number of days you need 0/Infiniti 3
disabledDays the disabled days that you don't want clickable [] ['2019-11-04',2019-12-14]
responsive custom responsive is function and have a argument for change number of month, when using it, numberOfMonths props not working (setNumberOfMonth => setNumberOfMonth(3))
disabledBeforToday disabled days before today true true/false
disabled disabled date picker false true/false
dayComponent custom day component n/a Day = ({ day }) =><p>{day.format('DD')}</p>
titleComponent custom title of days week n/a const Title=({source })=>{let titleDay = ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa']return ({>(<p key={Math.random()}>{item}</p>))})}



Prop name Description Default value Example values
handleChange is a function that return an array of days n/a (days) => console.log('selected days',days)
selectedDays the initial range date {from:'',to:''} {from:'2019-12-12',to:'2019-12-18'}
jalali choice jalali or gregorian calendar false false/true
numberOfMonths number of months you need 1 2
hoverable change range date when user hover day true true/false
disabledDays the disabled days that you don't want clickable [] ['2019-11-04',2019-12-14]
responsive custom responsive is function and have a argument for change number of month, when using it, numberOfMonths props not working n/a (setNumberOfMonth => setNumberOfMonth(3))
disabledBeforToday disabled days before today true true/false
disabled disabled date picker false true/false
dayComponent custom day component n/a Day = ({ day }) =><p>{day.format('DD')}</p>
titleComponent custom title of days week n/a const Title=({source })=>{let titleDay = ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa']return ({>(<p key={Math.random()}>{item}</p>))})}


It's a fully customizable Date/Range picker for ReactJS.Read More

Latest commit to the master branch on 7-19-2023
Download as zip