Job Portal is a MERN Stack based web app which helps in streamlining the flow of job application process. It allows users to search for available jobs in . In this web app, login session are persistent and REST APIs are securely protected by JWT token verification. After logging in, the user can create, apply, delete and update job postings and application forms.
#Trello Board (https://trello.com/b/kKEd9Bgj/jobmern-project)
- Axios
- React-router-dom
- bcrypt
- dotenv
- express
- jsonwebtoken
- mongoose
#Unresolved Issues
- CRUD UPDATE on job search posting and application!
#Future Enhancements
- Allow user to pick their role. (Applicant or Recruiter)
- Allow the user to view and update their application relating to the corresponding job posting.
- Allow user to upload resume
- Allow user to upload profile picture
- Implement a prompt that lets user know Application was successful
- Implement more fields in the submit Job and application forms