
A Minimal Setup & Fast Boilerplate for React.js with Vite.


? Dynamic Pages Routing with react-router-dom from React.js
? Fast development with Vite
? SSR support with Vite
? PWA support with Vite
? SSG support with Vite



npx create-reactplate-app blog-starter

cd blog-starter

npm install

# run server (development mode)
npm run dev
# run server (production mode)
npm run serve
# run debugger
npm run debug

# build the client side & the server side project
npm run build

# build the client side project
npm run build:client

# build the server side project
npm run build:server

# static site generate
npm run generate


For further development and contributions, please follow the installation instructions below.

git clone

# Reactplate CRA cli scope
cd reactplate


# Reactplate app scope
cd reactplate/examples

npm install

# run server (development mode)
npm run dev
# run server (production mode)
npm run serve
# run debugger
npm run debug

# build the client side & the server side project
npm run build

# build the client side project
npm run build:client

# build the server side project
npm run build:server

# static site generate
npm run generate

Built-in Configuration

Import Aliases

  • @ equals to _ROOT_/src
  • # equals to _ROOT_/src/components
  • % equals to _ROOT_/src/assets


ESBuild already injects import React from 'react'; for any .jsx files so you don't need to import it again.

Dynamic Pages Routing

Reactplate Dynamic Pages Routing folder structure works like Next.js.

│   Home.jsx
│   About.jsx
│   │   [rank].jsx
│   └───subfolder1
│       │   [others].jsx
│       │   ...

Using the params example

// Rank/[rank].jsx
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

export default function rank() {
  const { rank } = useParams();
  return <div>Reactplate will be number {rank}</div>;

Note : Index page will refer to Home.jsx

URL Convertion

Reactplate will convert any jsx files filename with PascalCase or camelCase to kebab-case.

Example :

│   Home.jsx
│   AboutMe.jsx
│   │   [rank].jsx
│   └───subfolder1
│       │   [others].jsx
│       │   ...

will be converted to :

