
A minimalistic manga reader/server for serving local manga images on desktop browser.
Provides a two-page view layout just as reading a physical copy.

Reader Demo


Python(with pip) and Node.js(with npm) installations required.

Directory structure & naming

Following naming scheme is to be followed for all manga to be served:

| <manga-location-on-machine>
    |-- series-name-in-dash-case/
        |-- chapters/
            |-- 0001/
                |-- 001.png
                |-- 002.png
            |-- 0002/
        |-- volumes/
            |-- 030/
                |-- 0120/
                    |-- 001.png
            |-- 031/
    |-- another-series/

Series require their own folder, like one-piece or attack-on-titan in dash-case.
Within each, chapters/, volumes/ or both are to be created.

NOTE: volumes/ needs to have chapter folders; each folder having images pertaining to the chapter

Item No. of characters for naming Naming example
Chapter 4 Chapter 220 ⇒ 0220/
Volume 3 Volume 100 ⇒ 100/
Image 3 Fourth image ⇒ 004.png

Initial Setup

Note that pip and python are pip3 and python3 for Linux

First, clone this repository and navigate into it.
Run the following to install Django dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now, run the following to configure manga location:

python <manga-location-on-machine>

Here, <manga-location-on-machine> is the absolute directory location where all manga is stored on machine.
An optional -s flag may be passed to store chapters in database:

python -s <manga-location-on-machine>

This is useful for series with longer chapters. By default, only volumes are stored.

Next, run the following to create the database:

python makemigrations
python migrate

Finally, navigate into uireader and run the following to build the UI:

npm install
npm run build

The setup is complete.


Naviage into root of the project and run the following to launch local Django server:

python runserver

This should launch the server on localhost. Chapters and volumes are accessible through simple navigation.

Reader Interface

Clicking on the middle of screen activates the following menus:

Top Menu

  • Upper Menu

    • Re toggle ⇒ Rearrange/correct image order in the viewer
    • < ⇒ Next chapter/volume
    • #0909 ⇒ Go to chapters/volumes listing
    • > ⇒ Previous chapter/volume
    • Home ⇒ Go to series listing
  • Lower Menu

Bottom Menu
Provides slider to quickly move between pages

Keyboard shortcuts

  • ↓ or ← or spacebar ⇒ Next couple of pages
  • ↑ or → ⇒ Previous couple of pages
  • F key ⇒ Toggle fullscreen mode
