Turbocharge your project with this monorepo starter. It comes with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn-ui, Server components, and more.
About The Project
- Monorepo with Turborepo
- Responsive marketing site
- SEO friendly
- blog using MDX
- Server and Client Components
- Authentication using NextAuth.js
- UI components built using shadcn-ui
- Dark and light mode
- ORM using Prisma
- Subscriptions using Stripe
- Responsive dashboard
- Validations using Zod
- Written in TypeScript
Built with
- Next.js (v14 with app dir) and React
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- Shadcn-ui as starter components
Getting Started
If you want to clone the project and use turbocharger as your starter project
- Star the repo
- Fork this project
- config env variable (see .env.exemple)
- Init project
- Linting tools
- Home page
- Pricing page
- Blog
- App layout
- Subscriptions using stripe
- Add Vercel deploy button
Sites using turbocharger
We will be happy to mention you here, just make a pull request and we will add you
See the contribution guide and join our amazing list of contributors!
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Mehdi BHA |