
A React FLIP animation helper library for highly configurable transitions.

Comparison with other React FLIP libraries

Feature react-flip-move react-overdrive react-flip-toolkit
Animate position
Animate size
Animate opacity
Animate parent's size without warping children
Use real FLIP instead of cloning & crossfading
Enable nested animations
Use springs for animations
Easy to set up & beginner-friendly ?





Quick start

npm install react-flip-toolkit

Wrap your container element with a Flipper component that has a flipKey prop that changes every time an animation should happen.

Wrap elements that should be animated with Flipped components that have flipId props matching them across renders.

Simplest example: tweening a single element

import React, { Component } from React;
import { Flipper, Flipped } from 'react-flip-toolkit';

class AnimatedSquare extends Component {
  state = { fullScreen: false };

  toggleFullScreen = () => {
    this.setState(prevState => ({
      fullScreen: !prevState.fullScreen

  render() {
    return (
      <Flipper flipKey={this.state.fullScreen}>
        <Flipped flipId="square">
            className={this.state.fullScreen ? "full-screen-square" : "square"}
React JSX

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More useful: tweening different elements

The power of FLIP lies in smoothly tweening two completely separate elements to appear as if they are one:

import React, { Component } from React;
import { Flipper, Flipped } from 'react-flip-toolkit';

const SmallSquare = ({ onClick,}) => (
  <div className="square" onClick={onClick} {} />

const BigSquare = ({ onClick, }) => (
  <div className="full-screen-square" onClick={onClick} {}/>

class AnimatedSquare extends Component {
  state = { fullScreen: false };

  toggleFullScreen = () => {
    this.setState(prevState => ({
      fullScreen: !prevState.fullScreen

  render() {
    return (
      <Flipper flipKey={this.state.fullScreen}>
        {this.state.fullScreen ? (
          <Flipped flipId="square">
            <BigSquare onClick={this.toggleFullScreen} />
        ) : (
          <Flipped flipId="square">
            <SmallSquare onClick={this.toggleFullScreen} />
React JSX

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The Components

1. Flipper

The parent wrapper component that contains all the elements to be animated.

<Flipper flipKey={someKeyThatChanges}>
  {/* children */}
React JSX


prop default type details
flipKey (required) - string, number, bool Changing this tells react-flip-toolkit to transition child elements wrapped in Flipped components.
children (required) - node One or more element children
spring {stiffness: 1000, damping: 500, mass: 3} object The default easing for all transitions uses springs. You can customize the spring by changing the stiffness, damping, or mass values passed in the spring object prop. If you provide an ease prop (described below), that will be used instead instead of a spring. You can explore the spring setting options here.
ease easeOutExpo string If you'd rather use easing functions instead of springs, you can set the default easing for all FLIP transitions by providing a name of an easing function. Try out all easing options.
duration 250 number Default duration in ms for all FLIP transitions that use the ease prop instead of the default spring (which uses a physics simulation and therefore doesn't require a duration)
applyTransformOrigin true bool Whether or not react-flip-toolkit should apply a transform-origin of "0 0" to animating children (this is generally desirable for FLIP animations)

2. Flipped

Wraps an element that needs to be animated.

E.g. in one component you can have

<Flipped flipId="coolDiv">
  <div className="small" />
React JSX

and in another component somewhere else you can have

<Flipped flipId="coolDiv">
  <div className="big" />
React JSX

and they will be tweened by react-flip-toolkit.

Basic props

prop default type details
children (required) - node Wrap a single child with the Flipped component. If the child is a React component, make sure it passes down unknown props directly to the rendered DOM element so that Flipped can pass down the necessary data-* attributes.
flipId (required) - string Use this to tell react-flip-toolkit how elements should be matched across renders so they can be animated.
inverseFlipId - string Refer to the id of the parent Flipped container whose transform you want to cancel out. Read more about canceling out parent transforms here.
transformOrigin "0 0" string This is a convenience method to apply the proper CSS transform-origin to the element being FLIP-ped. This will override react-flip-toolkit's default application of transform-origin: 0 0 if it is provided as a prop.
spring {stiffness: 1000, damping: 500, mass: 3} object You can customize the spring on a per-element basis by changing the stiffness, damping, or mass values passed in the spring object prop. If you provide an ease prop (described below), that will be used instead instead of a spring. You can explore the spring setting options here.
ease easeOutExpo string This string should refer to one of the available easing options. This prop will override the easing specified in the parent Flipped component.
duration 250 number Timing for the individual FLIP transition. This is only meaningful if you've specified an ease prop, because springs don't take durations. This prop will override the one specified in the parent Flipped component if one exists.
delay 0 number Amount of time to wait before tweening the element position. You can use this to create staggered transitions.

Callback props

prop arguments details
onAppear element, index Called when the element first appears. It is provided a reference to the DOM element being transitioned as the first argument, and the index of the element relative to all appearing elements as the second.
onDelayedAppear element, index This is a replacement for onAppear that is called only after all exiting elements have finished exiting. It automatically applies opacity: 0 to newly appeared elements at the very beginning. The onDelayedAppear function is responsible for setting the opacity to the final value.
onStart element Called when the FLIP animation starts. It is provided a reference to the DOM element being transitioned as the first argument
onComplete element Called when the FLIP animation completes. It is provided a reference to the DOM element being transitioned as the first argument. (If transitions are interruped by new ones, onComplete will still be called.)
onExit element, index, removeElement Called when the element is removed from the DOM. It must call the removeElement function when the exit transition has completed.

Transform props

By default the FLIP-ped elements' translate, scale, and opacity properties are all transformed. However, certain effects require more control so if you specify any of these props, only the specified attribute(s) will be tweened:

prop type details
translate bool Tween translateX and translateY
scale bool Tween scaleX and scaleY
opacity bool

Advanced props

prop type details
componentId string Unique identifier for the component
componentIdFilter array,string Only apply FLIP transitions if the transition originates or ends with a component with the specified componentId. To limit the application of an inverse transform, you refer to the parent's componentId as seen in this example.

Scale transitions made eas(ier)

Some other FLIP libraries just allow you to animate position changes, but things get more interesting once you can animate scale changes as well.

an animation demoing nested scale transforms

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The problem with scale animations has to do with children — if you scale a div up 2x, you will warp any children it has by scaling them up too, creating a weird-looking animation. That's why this library allows you to wrap the child with a Flipped component that has an inverseFlipId to counteract the transforms of the parent:

<Flipped flipId={parentFlipId}>
    <Flipped inverseFlipId={parentFlipId} scale>
      <div>some text that will not be warped</div>
React JSX

By default, both the scale and the translation transforms of the parent will be counteracted (this allows children components to make their own FLIP animations without being affected by the parent).
But for many/most use cases, you'll want to additionally specify the scale prop to limit the adjustment to the scale and allow the positioning to move with the parent.

For the most seamless results the DOM element with the inverse transform applied should lie flush against its parent container — that means any padding should be applied to the inverted container rather than the parent container.
