
Stickyroll is the successor of react-over-scroll.

This project is maintained as a monorepo via lerna.

Stickyroll translates page scroll to paging and a progress timeline. The view uses position: sticky to remain in-view.

Render prop vs children

Stickyroll accepts the same function as a render property or child function.
props.children gives access to context based plugins and decorators
props.render is the lightweight version without context.

Event listeners

Stickyroll has 3 very basic listeners.

  • onStart(): void: fired when the start has been reached (undocked)
  • onEnd(): void: fired when the end has been reached (undocked)
  • onPage(currentPage: number): void: fired every time a page changes. currentPage has a 0 based index. (docked)

More complex listeners can be implemented as Plugins using @stickyroll/decorators or @stickyroll/context
({Listener} is also available from @stickyroll/stickyroll)

Decorators (context based)

Stickyroll provides a set of decorators to allow injecting properties on-the-fly.

  • @page: injects page: number and pages: number
  • @progress: injects progress: number

Example: page numbers

import {page} from "@stickyroll/decorators";
import React from "react";

export default class Pagenumber extends React.Component {
	render() {
		return `${ + 1} of ${this.props.pages}`;


Stickyroll allows the creation and usage of plugins. With the help of context-aware
helpers it is easy to add a little spark to your roll.

Looking at Pagers is a good start to understand the plugin mechanism.

Styled components

Stickyroll provides styled components. It will remain fully optional to use styled-components since
the core is build purely on React and lodash.throttle

Available components

  • @stickyroll/pagers: Paging components to navigate to pages
  • @stickyroll/inner: Content components to help with layout.
  • @stickyroll/themes: A set of themes to use with styled-components


Example 1


import React from "react";
import {Stickyroll} from "@stickyroll/stickyroll";

export default () => (
	<Stickyroll pages={5}>{({page, progress}) => `${page}:${progress}`}</Stickyroll>

Example 2


import {createGlobalStyle} from "styled-components";

export const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
	body {
		margin: 0;
	* {
		box-sizing: border-box;


import React from "react";
import {Stickyroll} from "@stickyroll/stickyroll";
import {Pagers, Skip} from "@stickyroll/pagers";
import {Inner} from "@stickyroll/inner";
import {GlobalStyle} from "./style";

const myContent = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];

export default class App extends React.Component {
	public render() {
		return (
				<Stickyroll pages={myContent} anchors={"!/examples"} onPage={p => {console.log(p)}}>
					{(context) => (
						<Inner withPagers={true}>
							<Pagers useContext={true}/>
									{JSON.stringify({...context, content: myContent[]}, null, 2)}
							<Skip useContext={true}/>


To help develop Stickyroll follow these steps.

git clone [email protected]:stickyroll/react-stickyroll.git
cd react-stickyroll

For fast development use the dev script.
This will start a webpack dev-server on port:3000 and watch all packages.

Dev server (hot) (watches packages)

yarn dev

Build (production)

yarn build

Build packages

yarn rollup

Watch packages

yarn rollup:watch
