This is a starter project for a node + react app that uses docker for dev enironment.
Docker and docker-compose is all you need to develop, build & deploy, run development or production mode with a single command.
- stylus
- react
- redux
- sequelize
get started
Get latest docker (1.11+) & docker-compose (1.7+):
Pull seed to your project:
Start dev server:
Wait for docker to set up dev env, then open http://localhost:8000
production mode
In prod mode sources are added to docker image rather than mounted from host. Nginx serves static files, proxy pass to node for app. Logs in logs
enable ssl
Copy your .key and .crt files to nginx/ssl
and run ./bin/
install dependencies
database management
bin/ - various utility scripts
docker-compose.yml - base docker compose config
docker-compose.overrides.yml - development docker compose config
docker-compose.production.yml - production docker compose config
frontend/ - frontend stuff
frontend/package.json - npm package file with frotnend dependencies
frontend/src/js/ - javascript code
frontend/src/js/index.js - js entry point. include other js deps here
frontend/src/style/ - stylesheets
frontend/src/style/index.styl - stylesheet entry point. include other styl files here
backend/ - backend stuff
backend/lib/ - node app
backend/lib/index.js - entry point
backend/lib/models/ - sequelize model definitions
backend/lib/migrations/ - sequelize migrations
backend/config/ - config
backend/config/default.json - config defaults
backend/views/ - pug templates
backend/Dockerfile - production build dockerfile
backend/media/ - user uploads @TODO
backend/package.json - npm pacakge file with backend & test depos
backend/nightwatch.json - nigthwatch config
backend/tests/specs/* - nightwatch test specs
logs/ - in prod mode app, nginx logs go here
nginx/ - nginx stuff for prod mode
nginx/ssl/ - put key & cert here if you use ssl
nginx/nginx_nossl.conf - nginx conf if no ssl is used
nginx/nginx_ssl.conf - nginx conf for deploy with ssl
Config files for backend are located at config/*.json
If config/[NODE_ENV].json
exists, values are loaded from it first. Then defaults are filled in from config/default.json
Winston is used for logging. Loggers and transport are configured via config files, see config/default.json
e2e tests are implemented using nightwatch.js. Test specs are located at backend/tests/specs/
To debug tests it's possible to vnc into selenium container while its running at localhost:5900 and view the browser. Password is secret