React Avatar Cropper aims to be an out of the box solution to solve the avatar cropping problem for 99% of common use cases. Most of the time you want a modal to pop up, allow the user to crop their uploaded image, and then you want to receive that base64 data to display and send to the server. React Avatar Cropper takes care of this use case.
Taking heavy inspiration from slack's and facebook's user photo cropper, react-avatar-cropper is here to make it easy.
In your project
react-avatar-cropper also depends on react obviously :) and react-bootstrap for modal functionality. To install run the following.
Usage is fairly simple, you can check the /example folder on github for a slightly more complex use case (the use case you see above in the demo). AvatarCropper simple takes a width and a height to determine what size avatar you would like. AvatarCropper then takes an image property where you can pass an external image, a user uploaded data URI or whatever you would like. An onRequestHide function is passed to the underlying modal so you can decide how to dismiss the modal. Lastly onCrop callback function is required, and gives you back the cropped Image, for you to do with as you wish.
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