Welcome to moodboardr!

This is an app to manage colors, color boards and patterns. It is build using Remix as a framework for making React do its thing and Prisma for managing an SQLite database.

Heads up: I’m using this app to learn about Remix, so don’t expect any production quality code here.


From your terminal:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.

To initialize the database use:

touch .env
npx prisma db push
node --require esbuild-register prisma/seed.ts

To see the contents of the database use npx prisma studio. You can remove the prisma/dev.db file at any time to start over.

If you do not have eslint running in your editor, you should run it manually from time to time:

npm run format
Deployment (coming soon)


First, build your app for production:

npm run build

Then run the app in production mode:

npm start

Now you’ll need to pick a host to deploy it to.


If you’re familiar with deploying node applications, the built-in Remix app server is production-ready.

Make sure to deploy the output of remix build

  • build/
  • public/build/

Using a Template

When you ran npx create-remix@latest there were a few choices for hosting. You can run that again to create a new project, then copy over your app/ folder to the new project that’s pre-configured for your target server.

cd ..
# create a new project, and pick a pre-configured host
npx create-remix@latest
cd my-new-remix-app
# remove the new project's app (not the old one!)
rm -rf app
# copy your app over
cp -R ../my-old-remix-app/app app

Thank you

Special thanks to New Work SE for sponsoring the Hackweek which I used to work on this project. If you have any interest in improving your working life I’d suggest you check out their product XING.


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