
  • Customizable, easy to use color and gradient picker for React.js
  • Simply pass in an rgba or css gradient string as value and an onChange handler
  • UI will default to solid or gradient based on the value string it receives
  • You can customize the UI by hiding the various elements and updating value (see manual control below)
  • You can also customize preset options by passing in an array of rgba colors (see custom presets below)


npm install react-best-gradient-color-picker


import React from 'react'
import ColorPicker from 'react-best-gradient-color-picker'

function MyApp() {
  const [color, setColor] = useState('rgba(255,255,255,1');

  return <ColorPicker value={color} onChange={setColor} />


Name Type Default Description
value string ‘rgba(175, 51, 242, 1)’ The starting color
hideInputs boolean false (optional) hide the hex and rgba inputs
hideControls boolean false (optional) hide the solid/gradient and gradient options
hidePresets boolean false (optional) hide the preset color options
presets array [‘rgba(0,0,0,1)’, …] (optional) pass in custom preset options [‘rgba()’, ‘rgba()’, ..]


Name Description
onChange A function to update color value

Manual Control – Customizing UI

The state of the picker is determined by parsing the value string. You can update props like colorType (solid/gradient), gradientType (linear/radial), gradientDegrees, hex, rgba, opacity and hue simply by updating the value you are passing into the component. Let’s say you want to change the colorType from gradient to solid:

import React from 'react'
import ColorPicker from 'react-best-gradient-color-picker'

function MyApp() {
  const [color, setColor] = useState('linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(96,93,93,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)');
  const setSolid = () => {
    setColor('rgba(255,255,255,1)') //color could be any rgba value

      <button onClick={setSolid}>Solid</button>
      <ColorPicker value={color} onChange={setColor} />

The same can be done in inverse to change colorType from solid to gradient:

  const setGradient = () => {
    setColor('linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(96,93,93,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)')

Example toggling gradientType

  const setLinear = () => {
    setColor('linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(96,93,93,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)')
  const setRadial = () => {
    setColor('radial-gradient(circle, rgba(96,93,93,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)')

Custom linear-gradient degrees input

import React from 'react'
import ColorPicker from 'react-best-gradient-color-picker'

function MyApp() {
  const [color, setColor] = useState('linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(96,93,93,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 100%)');
  const degrees = parseInt(value?.split(',')[0]?.split('(')[1])
  const handleDegrees = (val) => {
    let num = parseInt(val)
    let nans = isNaN(num) ? 0 : num
    let min = Math.max(nans, 0)
    let max = Math.min(min, 360)
    const remaining = value.split(/,(.+)/)[1]
    setColor(`linear-gradient(${max}deg, ${remaining}`)

      <input value={degrees} onChange={(e) => handleDegrees(} />
      <ColorPicker value={color} onChange={setColor} />

Custom Presets Example

import React from 'react'
import ColorPicker from 'react-best-gradient-color-picker'

const customPresets = [
  'rgba(34, 164, 65, 1)',
  'rgba(210, 18, 40, .5)',
  'rgba(90, 110, 232, 1)',
  'rgba(65, 89, 56, 1)',
  'rgba(98, 189, 243, 1)',
  'rgba(255, 210, 198, 1)',
  'rgba(94, 94, 94, 1)'
] //max 18 colors, you can pass in more but the array will be sliced to the first 18

function MyApp() {
  const [color, setColor] = useState('rgba(255,255,255,1');

  return <ColorPicker value={color} onChange={setColor} presets={customPresets} />


Code released under the MIT license.