An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express. A stack for building apps, front and back end, with just Javascript.
This project was initially conceived to experiment with using these technologies in conjunction with one-another. I have written a blog that relates to this codebase.
This project is useful for:
- seeing how to build a Universal Javascript application
- understanding how to handle asyncronousity in Redux action creators
- seeing how you can use Socket.io with Redux
- building your own Redux powered application
- seeing how you can use System.import() with React Router + Webpack2 to acheive code splitting for different routes of your application
- forking so that you can build your own 3REE stack app!
Main Features
- Universal (Isomorphic) Javascript Application
- Use of Webpack 2's Code Splitting and Tree Shaking features
- Asyncronous Redux actions example
- Use of RethinkDB Changefeeds for realtime updates reflected in the UI
There is a demo app hosted at 3ree-demo.workshape.io. Check it out. If it is down, please email tanc@workshape.io
You will need to install RethinkDB. You can find instruction on how to do so here. Make sure you have the latest version installed.
- Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:GordyD/3ree.git
- Make sure you are using Node v6.0.0 (I recommend using n for Node version management)
- Run
npm install
- If your local environment is not reflected by
, then add a file atconfig/local.json
to provide local customisation. - Run
npm run db-setup
to set up DB
Running Dev Server
On Linux/OSX: npm start
On Windows: npm run start:win
This will start the Webpack dev server - for serving the client, as well as the server-side API.
Go to http://localhost:3001 in two separate tabs - see changes propagate in real time (Hot Module Replacement works too).
Running Production Server
You will need to roll out your own deployment script for a server, but before you can ship you will need to:
- Build the client with
npm run build:prod
- Ensure all production npm modules are installed on the server. e.g.
npm install --prod
- Rsync your application to your server
- Set up nginx or your web server of choice to map HTTP requests for your URL to
- Run
npm run start:prod
to run on your server - Go to your URL
NOTE: Production has not been tested on Windows.
Tech Used
Tech | Description |
React | View layer |
React Router | Universal routing |
Redux | State management |
RethinkDB | Persistance layer |
Express | Node.js server framework |
Socket.io | Used for realtime communication between clients and server |
Webpack | Module bundling + build for client |
Superagent | Universal http requests |
Stylus | Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS |