Apple App
- [React] – React is a JavaScript-based UI development framework.
- [React-Redux] – Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces.
- [React-ReduxJs/Toolkit] – Redux Toolkit is an official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development.
- [Redux-Thunk] – Thunk middleware for Redux. It allows writing functions with logic inside that can interact with a Redux store’s dispatch and getState methods.
- [React-Router-v6] – React Router is a standard library for routing in React.
- [Node.js] – Evented I/O for the backend.
- [Axios] – Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- [SASS] – Sass is an extension of CSS that enables you to use things like variables, nested rules, inline imports, and more.
- [Mui Material] – Mui Material is an open-source project that features React components that implement Google’s Material Design.
- [React Formik and Yup] – Formik is the world’s most popular open source form library for React and React Native.
- [Bootstrap 5.2.0] – Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build and customize with Sass, utilize prebuilt grid system and components, and bring projects to life with powerful JavaScript plugins.
- [Visual-Studio-Code] – Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.
Features and Functionality
- E-Commerce Web Application
- Add Cart
- Delete Cart
- Single Page Application
- 8 different pages with React Router v6
- Login Authentication
- Form Validation
- Create Backend Server and to Heroku Deploy
- Clone this repo
How to build?
1.Clone this repo
2.Install all the dependencies
npm i
3.Let’s build the optimized version
npm run build
4.Integrating Vercel
- Install Vercel CLI
- Login to Vercel
vercel login
- Initialize Vercel
vercel github
- Deploy clone and make it live
vercel deploy
5.Setup Backend Url with Heroku
6.Setup Redux
- Add Cart
- Delete Cart
7.Setup Axios
- Get all product from api url
8.Setup React Router v6
- Create different 8 pages
App Flow
Project Structure
|-- public
|-- src
| |-- api
| |-- assests
| | |-- images
| | |-- scss
| |-- components
| | |-- Cart
| | |-- Header
| |-- pages
| | |-- About
| | |-- AddCart
| | |-- Checkout
| | |-- Contact
| | |-- Home
| | |-- Login
| | |-- Product
| | |-- ProductDetail
| |-- redux
| | |-- actions
| | |-- reducers
| | |-- store
| |-- router
| | |-- Layout
| |-- App.js
| `-- index.js
|-- package.json
- waiting feedback