Bothell.js is a Foundational React UI Component Library. Bothell.js only allows minimal customization to the original styles, such as colors and fonts. The goal of this library is to increase productivity and decrease overall time spent on design tweaks.
Gatsby Starter: Rocket Docs
Out of the box Gatsby Starter for creating documentation websites easily and quickly. With support for MDX, code highlight, Analytics, SEO and more fire Using the theme: @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs
? Features
- ? MDX for docs;
- ? Yaml-based sidebar navigation;
- ? Responsive and mobile friendly;
- ? Code highlighting with prism-react-renderer and react-live support;
- ? SEO (Sitemap, data, Open Graph and Twitter tags).
- ? Google Analytics support;
- ? Custom docs schema;
- ? Table of Contents;
- ⚡️ Offline Support & WebApp Manifest;
- and much more ?
⚡️ Getting started
Create the website.
Start developing.
Are you ready for launch?
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? Docs
Looking for docs? Check our live demo and documentation website.
Made with ? by João Pedro