The most powerful and flexible open-source headless cms.
We took the inspiration from WordPress plugin system (hooks and actions) and have built a completely new hook-based core for our backend and admin that is highly extendable and pluggable.
Authoring experience is based on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and OneDrive and allows content creators to structure and organize their content in a familiar way.
We are strongly opinionated! Typescript!
- Self-hosted - know where your data is stored!
- Backend - Node.js, TypeORM, Express
- Admin - React, Fluent UI
- Databases - TypeORM (SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB), File Storage - file system, AWS S3
- Customizable - Same as WordPress you are able to extend any part of Admin or Backend by just using hooks. Furthermore, you can create custom functionalities in a no time!
For more details visit our Docs
Open http://localhost:4000/admin to view your running app.
When you're ready for production, run npm run build
then npm run start
Out of the box Burdy comes with many features
- Office 365 professional look and feel,
- Digital Assets Management - inspired by OneDrive and Operating systems, it gives simplicity and organization capabilities,
- Content types - 16 fields types out of the box, and you can easily extend it with your custom,
- Post versioning - every update will create a version that authors will be able to restore,
- Pages hierarchy - authors will be able to organize pages in a folder like structure,
- Tags - tag pages, posts or assets with ease
- Users management with Groups and Permissions access control
Field types
16 Out of the box field types. Learn how to extend with your custom by visiting Custom Editor Fields docs.
- Text
- Rich Text
- Number
- Checkbox
- Choice group
- Assets
- Images
- Dropdown
- Color Picker
- Date Picker
- Relation
- Custom Component
- Group
- Repeatable
- Tab
- Dynamic Zone