
Extensible React Component for SVG Taipei Metro Map. The design is mostly referenced from 曼努 manzoo and the post with some minor modifications.


npm install react-taipei-metro


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import MetroMap from 'react-taipei-metro';

class Window extends React.Component {

  // Customized your mouse events.
  onMouseEnterStation(station, scale) {
    console.log('Enter station ' +;
  onMouseLeaveStation(station, scale) {
    console.log('Leave station ' +;
  onClickStation(station, scale, e) {
    console.log('Station ' + + ' clicked.');
  // You can also render customized svg elements for each station.
  renderUserData(station, scale) {
    return (<text key={} x={} y={}
        fontSize={10 * scale} fill={this.textColor}
        dominantBaseline='middle' textAnchor='middle'>{}</text>);

  // See Props for more details.
  render() {
    return (<MetroMap
      width={800} height={900} // The compoent maintains fixed aspect ratio of 8 / 9.
      onMouseEnterStation={(station, scale) => this.onMouseEnterStation(station, scale)}
      onMouseLeaveStation={(station, scale) => this.onMouseLeaveStation(station, scale)}
      onClickStation={(station, scale, e) => this.onClickStation(station, scale, e)}
      renderUserData={(station, scale) => this.renderUserData(station, scale)} />);

  <Window />,


Name Description Type Default
width Width of component(px) number 800
height Height of component(px) number 900
style Style of component object { }
bgColor Background color of component string white
textStyle Style of station name text object { fill: 'black' }
showStationName Whether to show station name bool true
showUserData Whether to show user data bool true
onMouseEnterStation Event listener when mouse enters a station func: (station, scale) => { } -
onMouseLeaveStation Event listener when mouse leaves a station func: (station, scale) => { } -
onClickStation Event listener when mouse clicks on a station func: (station, scale, e) => { } -
renderUseData Function(s) for rendering user content for each station func: (station, scale) => JSX or array<func: (station, scale) => JSX> -

Function arguments

  • station
  id: 5,
  name: { en: 'Yuanshan', zh: '圓山' },
  center: { x: 365, y: 373 },
  lines: ['R']
  • scale: min(props.width / 800, props.height / 900)


npm run build
