“EZ Scheduler” – Final Project (Lighthouse Labs Web Development Bootcamp)
Main Contributors: Eugene Lam, Di Wu, Heron Feijao
For this final project, we created an app called Ez Scheduler that allows users to organize events with friends. Users can create events with time and location(shows on map). User who created an event can invite other users to join the event. Users being invited can see the event information and response to the event. If the event is within 5 days, simple weather information is avaiable for users to confirm the situation of the event.
Final Product
Getting Started
- Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.
- Install dependencies using the
npm install
command in both “frontend” and “backend” folder. - Create a database in the “backend” folder by psql. Then use the
\i db/schema.sql
command to setup the tables. - Create .env file in the “backend folder” with the following information.
- DB_HOST=localhost
- DB_PORT=5432
- SENDGRID_API_KEY=( from https://docs.airplane.dev/resources/sendgrid?gclid=Cj0KCQjwntCVBhDdARIsAMEwAClo-MSj6SNPTk1Gw-rCjSnaqTYtYqlSU_zQhQCAsoPon_JQZms9FRIaAryGEALw_wcB)
- Create .env file in the “frontend folder” with the following information.
- REACT_APP_API_KEY=(from https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key)
- REACT_APP_API_KEY_WEATHER=(from https://openweathermap.org/api)
- Start the web server using the
npm start
command while in the “backend” folder. - Start the client using the
npm start
command while in the “frontend” folder. - Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
Tech Stack
- Front-end
- React
- React Router
- Axios
- Styling
- Bootstrap
- Back-end
- Express
- PostreSQL
- APIs
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Google Maps API
- Send Grid
- react-google-maps/api
- sendgrid/mail
- testing-library/jest-dom
- testing-library/react
- testing-library/user-event
- axios
- bootstrap-icons
- react
- react-cookie
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- react-time-picker
- timeago-react
- web-vitals
- sendgrid/mail
- cookie-parser
- debug
- dotenv
- express
- link-preview-js
- morgan
- pg
- sendgrid
Last updated June 23, 2022