Basic Next.js boilerplate ready to use in any type of websites.
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Available Commands
In the project directory, you can run:
yarn dev
This command is used for creating a development server with fast reload functionality.
yarn build
This command is used for creating a optimized production build.
yarn start
This command is used for run a previous builded production website.
yarn lint
This command is used for run eslint syntax checking.
- Next.js: Minimalistic framework for SRR and SSG React applications.
- Typescript: Superset of JavaScript which primarily provides optional static typing, classes and interfaces.
- Styled Components: Declarative UI with CSS inside JS.
- Eslint + Prettier: The pluggable linting and formating utility.
- Babel: The compiler for next generation JavaScript.
- Inline React SVGs: Babel plugin for add all SVGs direct into DOM.
- Bundle Analyzer: Visualize the size of webpack output files with an interactive zoomable treemap.
- Next Images: Next.js plugin for optimazing images
- I18n: An internationalization-framework which provides a function that takes a key, some options, and returns the value for the current language. Helps you to add language translation support to your app.
- Service Mocking: An alternative to mock all services for an easy front end development.
- Lottie: Lightweight, scalable animations inside JS.
Next Features
- Search and add a typing for the locales
- Integrate storybook
- Add Cypress (e2e) testing
- Add Jest + React Testing Library (Unit and Integration) testing
- Add Absolute paths
- Add example CI/CD for github actions
- Add a folder structure documentation
- Add a CLI for creating project
? Support
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